New Obby game feedback. (Never Seen Before)

The Upsidedown obby!
242 Stages of pure madness! It’s just like a normal obby however, the camera is upside-down. This causes camera controls and moving controls to appear different than they actually are.

    :warning: - SHUTDOWN = BUG FIXES / UPDATE
    :rotating_light: BIG UPDATES VERY OFTEN - Make sure to check back often!
    :+1: - Likes and favorites show us great support and we are so thankful!

The Upside-Down Obby - Roblox


Game doesn’t work with R15 characters.
It loop kills me and I can’t even move from the spawn.

noted, I will fix that right away!

please rejoin and test! i think i fixed it

You probably didn’t publish. Still says updated 2 days ago and I still die in a loop.

try now, sorry lol :slight_smile: Im trying my best

It’s an interesting concept but the games incredibly difficult to play because everything is upside down…

And not difficult in the fun / challenging ways. It’s frustratingly hard to move.

Ill try and fix it :frowning: Any other ideas?

That’s really it, it’s a unique twist on an obby but the way it’s set up it’s a bit too frustrating to use tbh but maybe others won’t feel that way. Just my opinion.

I was joining this game The Upside-Down Obby - Roblox
It has the same name and description plus the same map I think.

thats my alt account lol, sorry for confusion

It is very fun, but I would make the character a bit easier to control.

I will try and fix that! thanks for the idea

My college years all over again its fun, Bring your friends :+1: :+1:

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Im glad u like it! inv ur friends!