New Optimization Feature: Interpolation Throttling

I have tested this on my automatic train game, and it appears that parts that are close to the player but still likely don’t own seem to be running at 30Hz. The moment that I sit in the train, the train starts moving smoothly again. So it appears to be stepping at 30hz when parts are far away OR they don’t own.

Without throttling:
robloxapp-20210109-0511024.wmv (1.7 MB)

With throttling:
robloxapp-20210109-0511435.wmv (2.1 MB)

Is this a bug or does it have something to do with the train not being within what is considered as “Clients simulation radius”?

P.S: The train position is set via body position

I do not see this option/feature when selecting “Workspace” in Studio. Has it been officially “turned on” now?


Completely agree with this, all the other engines allow us to use these parameters for (example) lag compensation for FPS games and lack of them in Roblox is really painful.


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