New players have to spend X amount of time in places before being able to activly contact other players

Title says it all pretty much.
Newly registered accounts shouldn’t be able to send friend requests, favorite games, join groups, send messages, send comments or post on the forums until they have spent atleast a certain amount of time joining/playing games.
This should help combating the thousands of spam/scambots accounts that are created every day.


This would certainly take most of the bots out of the running… for some weeks only, if you’re lucky. Then the people behind these bots will have written a service to let these bots join random games automatically and just idle there for however long the requirement is. Not to mention this would really impact the first experience of new users if there is a game play requirement, because real users won’t be able to perform these actions either.


Hi Flostrus,

Welcome to the devforums! Combatting the growing botting problem is a hot topic here which has been discussed immensely. Currently bots have a verified email, pass signup captchas, IP floodchecks, and age checks, so they are very well-developed. Knowing this, there is no quick-fix for botting – please keep this in mind when suggesting something similar. A good rule of thumb is that if it takes less than a day of thinking through side effects and how players would bypass it, the idea isn’t fleshed out enough and shouldn’t be suggested. If you’re ever unsure, you can ask for feedback in the devforum Discord server, and we’ll let you know if your idea needs improvement.

Thanks, and enjoy your stay.

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Problems such as this are a lot more complex than they may appear. While there may be plenty of easy paths to take few will lead to a permanent solution. Chances are if you’ve thought up a solution very quickly, somebody at Roblox has already considered it and probably concluded that it won’t solve the problem. If it did, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Most solutions to this problem involve some sort of static trust. Play X games, be on Roblox for X days, solve a captcha. None of these solve the problem, they only slow down the bot developers temporarily.

Something more dynamic is needed that essentially scores how ‘human’ an account is. The score can then be used to determine whether the account is allowed to use social features and such. Even this has problems… it works until somebody figures out how that score is calculated, then they can just trick the algorithm into giving it a high enough score leading us back to the original issue.

Of course this shouldn’t discourage you from sharing your ideas, in-fact I hope it encourages you because you’ll learn so many interesting approaches to tackling a problem that you may never even consider usually.


they’ve been trying this with the forums

(they even do this it to purposefully close the forums down during attacks/while they find solutions to problems)

they’ve done 24 hours, 74 hours, 260000 hours, etc

but none worked as bots who steal users, have a HUGE database of stolen accounts with these stats already, they have collections of accounts from every year they can use to do their dirty deeds.

yes they can’t make a new account and spam you, but they can use an old account and do it just as easily.

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