(NEW PLUGIN) AutoDebug⚙️ V1.1 - Debugging & Fixing easily your Scripts

Maybe the backdrop could match your studio script editor theme?

Shoot I don’t know what else (I guess y’all could add on)?

uh im gonna say if this plugin supposed to be free and i could say its not bad and not really good so that mean its pretty decent rate, why i say like that? because there few built-in feature in roblox studio that also similiar with this so i can say this plugin supposed to be free and not paid, and this plugin is not a something a new and unique from roblox libraries to see and heard. then the plugin design is really underrated and user will fell very useless, not worth it and regret for bought this plugin for a robux cost.


The issue is that the core of this plugin is unnecessary. Coming up with ideas for what could make it helpful would just be coming up with an entirely new plugin.


Alright thats fair, I must have missed that part but what about

But you gotta give credit to the guy a bit. This is the first one where there isn’t really any sort of [known] bugs and it does work from what I’ve seen.

The catch is that Roblox Studio obviously offers this.

I’m not fully siding with him, just saying :man_shrugging:

I know some people will disagree but y’know Idrc so


Bro theres already a debugger

just right mouse click on a script line number to start a debugger
and middle mouse click it to remove it

We are not telling hating you, we are giving you our opinions.
You can legit make this plugin within few lines of code just by using pcall

Roblox already have a great error handling, How would your auto debugger fetch errors from multiple scripts? example module scripts that are getting required from normal scripts?

You are a new programmer, I believe (by looking at your older posts), but I suggest that you learn and invent new resources instead of coming up with something basic that takes no time to make.


Uh I dont think we should complain, cause this plugin costs 1,72 USD. Remember that plugins cost about 30 USD on other platforms like Unity Asset Store, and effort developer put in this script is enough, especially that it will take more time to script this addon ourselfs, than 1,72 USD is worth. I am scripting for a lot of time already and didn’t though of making auto-simple script fixer and it seems like nice thing to have.

WHYI_MFAT making the worst and the most useless resources ever: :pencil2::fire:

This plugin does something that we already can do easily, the built-in debugger is more advanced and free. No one should pay 100 Robux for a plugin that has a bad design, and for something that you can do easily by clicking the “Go to the script error” button at the top of the studio window.

Not even going to mention that anyone can make this plugin easily with pcall().


You cannot compare this plugin to a plugin made on the Unity Asset Store.

  1. The programming languages are different, you can easily publish a plugin on Roblox, while on Unity, people put a lot more effort and time into those plugins.

  2. Unity is mainly an Engine. Not a platform. Plugins have better control, freedom, and more features on Unity than on Roblox.

  3. Effort? Really? I don’t mean to outright hate this guy, but this guy makes the worst creations I have ever seen. He used ChatGPT to defend himself, can’t take criticism, makes useless and badly designed plugins, and the worst thing? He makes it cost money.


Well said mate, was going to mention how he solely used ChatGPT here and there (not on one occasion) and how I’ve bought his “AIB” plugin that he spammed posted here on the forums which has zero functionality, looking at his other posts and topics he’s made, I think he’s a cash-grabber, who clearly is self-centred and does not want criticism to improve one/himself.

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Well, I have to agree with you, but I still feel like this plugin can help beginners a bit. Eh maybe it should be free?

Why everyone think its just using pcall function and do nothing else, its true its using pcall function to detect the bugs, but its not using only that to make everything work pcall is only one thing, someone even watch the video?

and please do not ask now “what its doing more then that” i already answer for that.

if you think its so eazy to make it, then make one by your self.

Alright, after reviewing the plugin’s source code, I’ll now write a proper feedback.

Breakdown on the plugin here

The plugin’s functionality can be broken down as follows:

  1. We pass the script we want to debug.
  2. The module then runs the script in a “sandbox”:
  3. On first error, it’ll say that your script is #### and give you the proper fix, however, the way you’re doing this is quite… Uhm, how do we put it?

    This is atrocious. Could’ve well solved this by using a table.
  4. Next, the plugin would look for “risky” and “good” things in your code. For the risky things, the code would look for the keywords loadstring() (which, funnily enough, he’s using it in this very own plugin) and _G. Occurences of such add a risk point.
    For the “good” points the plugin looks for pcall()s. That’s it.
    @WHYI_MFAT if according to you, loadstring() is risky (which it is), why are you giving it a good point?
  5. Continuing the debugging, it tells you how long your script is. Huh, didn’t know that 1000 characters in a source code was very long, and less than 35 is “too simple”.
  6. Using concatenation and insane amounts of elseif statements, a feedback is generated. It, for whatever reason, is not properly generated, and repeats itself. This is what I got after sending in ProfileService’s source:
  7. If any syntax errors occur, the plugin will prompt to fix it instead. It does work, to an extent, which is neat.


Ahhh yes, feedback.

To the OP: Please improve your code. I was basically unable to read it.

  • First, please refrain from using more than two elseif statements in your code. Past this point you’re off using tables.
  • Second, please also refrain from using wait(), less completely randomly:
  • Last, what’s this for may i ask?

About the plugin itself:

  • It is merely a hardcoded way of telling you how your script is, albeit quite incorrectly. For example:

    • You cannot judge a script by its mere length. Depending on the uses of each script, they have their length. Some are just modules that return a value, others are main scripts ran by the application that works with packages and modules.
    • The “Risky” and “Good” decisions weren’t properly implemented. There is really no way of telling what you used is a “risky” or a “good” decision. Asides from loadstring() and _G which yes, you’re correct that they’re not recommended, you’re leaving out other points such as network ownership. pcalls() are not a good way to debug, they’re a way to contain errors so it doesn’t propagate. Ways to debug include the debug library, print(). warn() and error(). There’s many ways one might need to use prints or errors, so it’s not a good way of saying if it’s a good point or not.
      The point here is: you cannot comment, judge and less suggest fixes for code when you don’t know its context or its uses. This is why human interpretation is always ahead of using artificial intelligence or string.find().
  • Next, if any beginner has any idea of programming they’ll know there’s a red line under their poorly written code and go there trying to figure out what it is:
    Otherwise, they’ll run the game and meet the same error anyway.

  • Then, the fixes. The fix simply fixes basic syntax errors by adding the correct symbols or appropriate end statements. But hey, hold on a second…:

automatic end insertion :scream: This is the end user fault, really. Haha, get it, “end” user…

Okay, I get what you’re trying to do with this plugin, but it’s simply “too poorly implemented” and unfinished for release. How about we take a step back, renew your code so it’s actually readable to most of us, and improve the UI?

Oh, I haven’t talked about the UI. It’s bad. The fonts suck, honestly, and don’t go together, less do the colors, and the buttons as well.

Everyone is right, we have this beautiful tool provided by Studio called

:sparkles: I N T E L L I S E N S E :sparkles:

which help us figure out why our code is nuts.

Now, what exactly am I saying here?

  • You are suggesting merely on what is implemented in the code, not HOW it’s implemented.
  • You’re only fixing syntax errors, and could’ve taken your time to process some suggestions such as
    • Line 2: local char = plr.Character: plr.Character may not exist at the time of execution. If you know that it'll exist, wait for it using [...]. If you're unsure whether it exists or not, use an if statement: [code sample]
    • Line 69: RemoteEvent:FireClient(data) (where typeof(data) ~= "Player"): FireClient takes a Player as the first argument.
  • Instead of “risky” decisions, how about “deficient”? For example, using deprecated functions (this will have to be hardcoded as code cannot tell whether x is deprecated or not), using loops incorrectly, possible memory leaks or so.

The plugin is, well, not the best. It serves as a tool for a developer when said person has no access to channels where they can ask for review. However if you want to do this, please do it properly.

Alright, feedback ends here. Have fun.


What’s with the hate? In my opinion this is one of the most plugins ever made. This plugin has obviously been meticulously crafted with not only ease of use, but with high performance luau code in mind.


Where in my post do you see me hating it…


Give the creator a rest. He’s obviously took inspiration from the good code from yandere simulator.


He’s done this with multiple other resources and I don’t doubt it will happen again.


Bro this is pretty much @WHYI_MFAT’s best plugin and there aren’t really too many flaws other than bad UI and some messy code. Why you hating on him? He’s obviously not a UI designer, if you don’t like the UI just fix it yourself.

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From consumer reviews I can conclude that the reason for all the hate is:

  • He’s made multiple community resources and has never taken feedback from the community when someone points out a flaw.
  • The code is messy, hard to read, and unoptimal.
  • The UI is not good.
  • It is pricey (100 robux) even though there are multiple free alternatives, and this one isn’t even worth the price.

Some consumers also noted:

  • The plugin using a faulty “sandbox,” which I don’t doubt is copied from somewhere.
  • To suggest a fix, it goes through every error message one at a time with multiple elseif statements. (Over a table or something)
  • The risk system is heavily flawed and gives you points for things defined “risky” good points.
  • Scripts are judged on length.


So here are some reasons that can answer your question. Hope this helped!


okay, thanks for your feedback, i’ll try to make it better.

(fixed some things better ui, and more…)

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