New Plugin: Plugin Creator

Hello Devforum,

I made a Plugin called Plugin Creator :electric_plug:
Note: I published my plugin on my main account

Note: Alpha

What does it do?

You can create a Plugin Template.
For example, it generates a script that creates a plugin toolbar with the certain name you wrote. You can also create buttons. You can add any button. After that, a draft will be created. And then you can do anything you’d like. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PLUGIN IS ALPHA! IT CAN NOT WORK VERY WELL

:inbox_tray: Installation:

How to use (step-by-step):

  1. Install the plugin
  1. You will see a toolbar, when you open Studio, saying “Plugin Creator”


  1. To create your first draft, open “Create Draft”

Main Page

  1. Press create

Now fill everything in what you would like:

Setting Draft Title

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Setting Toolbar Name

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Setting and making the Buttons

Making a Source (optional)

Captura de ecrĂŁ 2023-08-22 143221

After creating, these are the options you can make:

Publish the draft

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Remove the draft

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Convert draft to a Plugin Script

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Vote what do you think about this :point_down:

  • I love it!
  • It’s good
  • I like it!
  • Needs to solve problems
  • Kinda glitchy
  • Has bugs

0 voters

Comment what do you think :point_down:


Pretty cool, but redundant for experienced people. Beginners could appreciate the simplification of this though. Cool concept.


Thank you :heart:

Yep! It’s for beginners!

1 Like

First of all, this belongs in #resources:community-resources

though I do think this is a good plugin for beginners, but I am experienced so this isn’t a need for me

Ok thank you!

Yes it’s supposed to be for beginners

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I changed now! Thank you! And also thank you for your opinion!


Wow, this is unnecessarily and extremely meta.


Yeah but can I create a plugin using a plugin created using this plugin?


Yes. You can convert the draft to a script. If you are a beginner, you can use this (if you want)


So? What’s problem? It’s for starters. If you don’t like it, then leave

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I didn’t say I didn’t like it. I just pointed out how meta it was. That’s all.


Oh ok. I’m sorry, I’m not very good at speaking or writing in English.

This is to help starters. But I’m so sorry if you think that! I tried my best :zipper_mouth_face:


What do you mean by “meta” though?

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“Meta” itself is hard to define, but I can put it in simple terms: Let’s say you’re on the Developer Forum, and you notice a topic ABOUT the Developer Forum itself. That’s meta. And this is a plugin created to help people create plugins.

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