New Programs Available: “Roblox China” Licensed to Operate

Well said, well said.

I knew it would be strict but this strict is just absurd.


It’s great to see Roblox expanding to different places. I would try to apply for this, but I wouldn’t apply due to the Chinese laws, and publish work for a country that doesn’t have basic human rights for some people. Thanks Roblox for making this optional, and not enforcing this on everyone.


Thats a very ignorant thing of you to say, just because someone signs up for the program does not mean they chose the morally wrong choice or are a bad person, nor does it mean they believe in chinas ways.


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Perhaps it is related to this program, but as of today, this forum itself and Roblox’s blog can no longer be accessed from Hong Kong without using a vpn. It is incredibly inconvenient and I say this as somebody who lives in Hong Kong.

This is just speculation, but those living in Hong Kong may soon be forced to use Roblox China which we all know is going to be a severely restricted version of Roblox. I was previously going to ignore this program, but now I wish it burns to the ground. If you plan on entering this program, please reconsider your decision to support a program which restricts the creativity of developers.


This is exactly my worries.
Publishing your game on Roblox China means giving up your rights to your content, in exchange of being able to market there. (The terms doesn’t even try to hide this fact.)

There are no warranties what-so-ever. They can simply leave you without any cash after leaving with the source code and content of your game.

Chinese industries have a bad history of doing this. With the sweet allure of money, they steal IP, trade secrets, etc. Roblox China has the same pattern. Trade your IP for money. It is not far-fetched to think about the worst they could do.


The money tempts us all, but the thing is… China has horrible human rights, and like what others said, they steal personal info for money, and other shady stuff. I would rather have the human rights, than the money. No thanks. I’m glad this is optional.


Great opportunity for me honestly. The user space in China is amazing so this might help Roblox a ton!

It’s okay for ROBLOX to expand their business. But as a developer i would not agree with the government of china because China has a lot of rules. Its like tiktok for example they steal your personal information and get money from it. Its a terrible idea.

This is interesting. I do hope you keep everyone updated here as Roblox continues to roll this terrible program out, as I’m sure a number of us would be interested in seeing how it impacts countries that are not apart of China, but China considers to be apart of their country.


Thats obscene. Best of luck to you, another thing I’ll say to add to the conversation is that a Roblox account named “RobloxianHongKong” has been going around liking a bunch of replies that got into Roblox 2 days ago and has developer forum access.

Developer Forum Account

I’m decently sure this is linked to Roblox in some way as nobody can get developer forum access in 2 days.

And truly, best of luck to you if they roll out this terrible update to Hong Kong


This is crazy strict! I can see every single one of my favorite games here on Roblox getting banned if there were to participate in this program.

Just to name a few:

Phantom Forces.
Breaking Point.
Car Crushers.
Room II.

I most likely not try to participate in this program. It’s just too strict for me.
Although I do appreciate Roblox trying to branch out into more areas


I think there is a big problem with this because a very small amount of developers might not know about the big restrictions in China. Example: There’s a new developer that just enrolled in a license to get their game onto “Roblox China” although, their game is based around skeletons and such.


Great points, I agree with you!

My remarks were made in response to an unproductive stream of posts on this thread that was off topic and quite frankly distracted from the problem that you outline here. That argument has since been moderated, but due to the settings of this thread I could not really edit my response to adapt. Sorry for any confusion!

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Oh boy, with rules such as these it would be quite hard to release a game in China, a lot of games have at least a little bit of violence in them, even cartoony ones, they’re also the kind of games I work on, would rules such as these even make it difficult to make cartoony looking games with fighting? Seeing such strict rules kind of makes me want to keep my distance to be honest.
How strict are these rules to begin with to release a game there?


Soooo idk if I’m allowed to use external links but I don’t care at this point.

Are you guys still pushing this after this came out?


Again, this is wrong. The only rights you give are the rights to advertise your content, china DOES NOT gain the rights to use your assets.

What stops them from doing so anyway? How will this program be implemented internally? Who will have access to games uploaded to Roblox China?

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I don’t think that the CCP will care about a company that creates games as much as other stuff they do

I think people that will have access would be the government of China from games that “offend” the government.

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Although I do appreciate Roblox expanding to more countries, China is where I question. China’s policies are really strict, and we’d have to change the whole game just to comply with some weird laws. Thanks for making this optional.