New "publish to roblox as..." UI does not allow for upload to specific places

As of the recent studio update that adds the new “publish to roblox as…” UI, it is now impossible to publish a local place file to a specific place in a multi-place game.

E.g. if I had a game structured like so:

My Game
   Place A (Starter place)
   Place B
   Place C

and I wanted to publish a local file to Place B, this is impossible with the new UI as it only shows the starting places for games. This is a regression, as the old UI allowed you to publish to specific places.

Please restore this functionality so that I may properly publish updates to my multi-place games.


I’m experiencing the same issue, it’s only restricted to games and group games, but not their places, which is incredibly annoying.

This is horrible for updating universe games and I hope it gets reverted or fixed.

I’m pretty sure you can select the game first and then it gives you the option of which place you want to publish to within it.

I actually prefer this than the way it used to show all places for all games in chronological order rather than grouped by game.

cc: @IsaacThePooper because you mentioned the “problem” too.

Edit: Just checked myself and indeed it’s as I remember. Click the game and then this appears:


Oh okay, I was too afraid to publish what I was working on to a game so I never tried to click on it. Thanks!

AH, ok! Yeah this feels much cleaner to me.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: New “Overwrite” button only works once per studio session

I’ve actually been trying to publish a local file to my main place all day. No matter how many times i’ve tried, it enabled studio services such as datastores but it doesn’t actually upload to the main game :thinking:

Just thought i’d say this here since it’s along the lines of the same title and category.

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I am having this issue. I have a separate place where me and my team work, and when going to publish it to my main group, which is a place under a game, it fails to publish. I also tried saving a local copy and publishing to my team create and to my place under a game and fails both times.



I’ve been having the same problem as well, since two days ago and it hasn’t been fixed yet for some reason.

I tried disabling team create without saving progress and now I can not turn it back on due to it saying save failed, also can’t overwrite games from local files.


I can confirm this issue. I’ve been trying to publish a locally saved roblox place to a certain game for two days, on two different machines. Publishing keeps failing and displays this in the output.image


This is happening to me too, its extremely frustrating and I tried it on several amount of computers and solutions.


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Same for me its really annoying since 13/3/2020, probably the descriptions people need to input and maybe require a massive detail as sometimes the advice could look vague and sometimes they ask us to provide in desktop detail to get this fixed, I guess the engineers are taking longer than expected, I tried importing it to another place and suddenly it turns out to be the same server.

Probably its one of the most toughest bugs for ROBLOX to fight it all.

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Can you verify the same 500 error is appearing? A setting has been flipped so it should not be happening
@FedoraMasterB98 @AviaGabb @CaptainMarcin @anon20884738 @mrmcmuffinz123

The Internal Server error 500 is fixed, but now I am getting another error after it worked fine yesterday until earlier today.

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As of yesterday everything has been working properly for me!