New Render Fidelity Setting?

Was recently looking at the Render Fidelity settings and a new option called “Performance” is there. Tried to find more information on it but couldn’t find anything. Does anyone know the details behind it?perfonamnce


First place I went to but if you look at the page which you sent the setting “Performance” isn’t there.

There’s no info anywhere on what the “Performance” setting is.

Very interesting that this hasn’t been added yet. Sorry I overlooked this. I would assume that this means that the quality to distance ratio changes, depending on how your device is handling the game.

For instance, lower end devices with poorer connection, get less quality, and higher end devices get higher quality, while all the time trying to keep maximum performance. My guess would be that it tries to keep the player’s experience at its best though, by keeping the quality higher than Automatic. This is all based off of the Name itself, and not actual experimentation, however.

From the name, I’m guessing it is:

Better for performance than automatic BUT

Automatic switches between performance and default based on range.

Performance is always set on performance.

Scratch that, they both seem to preform the same way?

Roblox API update, there’s a new thing called “MeshPartDetailLevel” which might be a clue to what it does.


It could be that ROBLOX might deprecate Automatic in favor for Performance - people with higher-end devices shouldn’t be limited to the same uniform render settings and so it offers larger distance ranges for the quality levels. An individual with a lower-end device wouldn’t experience a change between Automatic and Performance while an individual with a higher-end device could render objects far away in more detail.

This is of course speculation, like how @ExcessEnergy stated in his reply above. From actual testing in game, it doesn’t look like much of a difference. I’ll whip out my older laptop and see if the hypothesis is true.