New Require Introspection Feature

Assuming you have that part of the output enabled. I don’t to save space.


Finally, something gets done about this!
Even if it only targets a select few viruses, I’m glad it at least targets some of the more sneaky ones.

Even if it’s little like this, it’s good to see something being done about viruses.

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Pretty cool but can you disable it for plugins? Every time I press play, I get a few of these:


Instead of just disabling it overall, There should overall be an in-game setting under security (the tab with Enable HTTP Requests and Enable Studio API services access) for require retrospection, and should have a more configurable setting to where you can disable it for plugins, etc.


I am really glad you have added this feature, things get a lot easier with this! Good job, Roblox

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The messages should be colored differently to differentiate them. Color them blue maybe.


Any way to disable this?


This is great, it will certainly help with looking for malicious require code in my friend’s game lol.

I do wish you could compile this into a list somewhere out of the way instead of clogging up my output with it.


I’m a perfectionist and honestly, this just makes my output a lot more clogged up. I’d like to actually see some errors… you know. :confused:

Edit: Nice, I’m not alone. Hope this gets an ability to be disabled…


I highly disagree with this change.

I’m a Developer within the most extremely toxic community, where you can see others steal from themselves left and right.

Having to leave a module public in order to require it worse enough, but it’s reasonable.
Now showing required asset IDs makes my job harder to make my stuff closed-source from anyone to view.
This leaves a big vulnerability for people within that community to be able to steal/leak my code.
Obfuscation will not do anything as PSU is shut down temporarily and there are deobfuscators for it now, which makes my products, that I make for others, lacking extremely on security.

I don’t agree with this update.


They made this change because of bad players, they’re not going to revert it. A lot of classic features have been removed because of misuse, like (Tix, Guests, etc).

I understand and I’m not negating the frustration, but it’s often that some people have to ruin things for everyone else.


Well, regardless of if you agree with the update or not, this is for the protection of developers due to backdoors etcetera, and they’re not going to revert it.

You might want to start getting used to it.

EDIT: I’d say “try obfuscating the module” but there are some people who will just deobfuscate and opensource it anyways, so nevermind.

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That’s why I’m not obfuscating anything until I found a safe obfuscator that’s not defobfuscatable…

Simple Question
Couldn’t this be bypassed by deleting the script that requires the module when the creator of the game joins?

It would probably also make sense to also log the callstack of Scripts that load assets which include LuaSourceContainers via game:GetObjects(), InsertService, etc.

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Any news on disabling this feature? It’s really annoying to constantly have in my output from my plugins, what if it had its own category in the Output window to be toggled?


What on Earth? Not everything on Roblox is malicious… Some developers just don’t want people rummaging through their scripts and copying their code, what are they supposed to do now?
If you don’t want viruses, just make your own stuff or only use trusted sources. It’s not that complicated.

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I tried everyway to disable this
like this one:

anyone know how to disable this? its annoying,
or make an option to disable it for plugins,etc roblox

hopefully im gonna find an solution

*edit ive tried everything
*2th edit it distracts me so i gotta delete my plugin(i did not create any plugin)and wait till there is a


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