*EDIT show some love leave a Heart make roblox have no choice but to publish this
Umm… this is very… high quality
Amazing. Simply amazing. I’ve never seen anything like it. This solved all my health issues. You grace us with this amazing retexture. Please, send this to Roblox. I’m sure they’ll put it in immediately. Once again, thank you. Praise Mxs.
The high cholesterol in this hat will make your heart explode with joy and fatty acids
Then…how did it…solve my health issues?..
because your issue was that you had cholesterol deficiency not enough junk in your arties
Understandable. Praise Mxs, my friend!
Please share the share link to everyone you know
What was this items name lol
I’d like to see the og
How are you not in UGC yet? This is high quality, amazing, and tasty art. Best. Retexture. Ever.
cheetos instead of the tortilla chips
The only heart in my body is the ones filled cheetos. Sometimes you need to “cheat” to get it right.
really bad at making puns lol
no its good its good i love poetry
too good they should make u a UGC Designer and fire all others what a oh so beautiful work of art
All the limited people with the fedora are going to screw you over but other than that this is pure art.
That looks cool lol. Are those cheetos? I really like it.
I hope this becomes a limited item because it’s finna’ sell out fast.
make the flaming hot cheeto puff version lol
Is this what neckbeards wear in roblox