New Roblox adventure game (rocamping)

Hey, I am a 15 year old dev and I’ve started making a game since the start of lockdown, it’s basically an adventure / roleplay (kinda) game inspired by a Roblox game called backpacking and Minecraft. I am looking for some users feedback on the game so I can make it feel as polished as posible before release / when I am going to advertise it.







Here’s the game if you want to check it out (it’s playable but is in an unstable state - data loss, lots of bugs, etc): RoCamping - Roblox


great concept I can’t wait to play your games

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look amazing when its out I will def be playing this!

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I saw this on a devking video looks really interesting. :ok_hand:


This game looks amazing! I can’t wait to play it.

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Could you summarise or elaborate on the game itself? I don’t remember any of my camping trips including mining ores, so I’m sure there’s another element to it. :laughing:

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So basically it’s not the typical camping trips you would go on - it’s like a really extreme version of wild camping.

I didn’t know people mined ores while camping. :man_shrugging:

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Imagine it’s like a more extreme version of a bear grylls episode

This looks minecraft.
Seriously not kidding. :open_mouth:

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It’s somewhat inspired by Minecraft, yes!

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Don’t know what your looking at…

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