New Roblox Illustration/cartoon!

Hello! Just finished a new Roblox illustration, is there anything I can improve to it, or change?

Thanks, Joel! <3


i really like this. i don’t actually see anyway to improve it, i think it’s perfect! do you do comissions by any chance? just wondering in case i get some robux soon.

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Thank you very much! :smiley:

Sadly, I don’t do commissions yet.

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I really like it! I can suggest with the bubble/circle looking things on the outside that you make them a bit more soft looking by adding just the slightest guassian blur!

The face looks very soft in color which is very good!
Good job!


This looks amazing! Great job! I don’t really have any suggestions other than maybe changing the background color, it sort of blends with the character, but even at that I think the background still works great!


Thank you guys very much! I’ll try and work on the background and add some sort of blur to it.

Thanks! <3

This looks great! I really like your art style, its unique. :smile: As for improvements I recommend changing the background colour, something that contrasts with the colour on the character to make them stand out in the drawing. This is optional but instead of shading with black you can use other colours e.g for pink use blue, purple, dark red (but shading with black is just fine!). Overall good job :+1:

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Thanks very much! I’ll try that next time!

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A couple things, for one I don’t really understand where the lightsource is coming from. The shading on the top of the hat implies it’s coming from the top but the face implies it’s forward and the shirt implies it’s from the left. Another thing is the shoulders, they’re at the same level as the neck so I’d lower the shoulder a bit. All of this is just nitpicking though the image is fine on it’s own.

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This looks very cool and I love the style of it!
Some tips:

  1. Don’t have similar colors for the shirt and the background it looks blended in
  2. For his mouth his tongue is the same color as his skin (Or I don’t know if that’s a tongue or not)
  3. The eyebrows are a bit high and look like it is apart of the hat
  4. The face is very centered while you have a lot of room to work with. The eyes, mouth and chin are so close, maybe try and spacing it out a bit? Unless you were going for that look.
  5. The dimple above the mouth or just a seam in his skin kind of looks like a whisker. Maybe consider changing the color to black.
  6. I’m not the best with lighting so correct me if I’m wrong but the light is different in all place. The light I thought was suppose to come from the left of the picture but then I noticed the hat was all bright which doesn’t make sense to where the sun would be. On top of that the hat has the sun at the top of it. So where is the sun? (Top, in front, to the left)
  7. This might just be me but I’m not a fan of the bright pink outline around the black dots on the seat. It just makes it look kind of weird.

Other then that this art style is very nice and anyone would be happy to have this as a piece of art. Great work! :grinning:

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Thank you very much! Sorry if the lighting looks a bit off, I was trying to go for a room lighting look where the light is above the subject. However, as you can see I messed it up sadly.

But thank you very much for the tips! I’ll be sure to take great care next time. :smiley:

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Hi! Your art is good! I wanna hire you!

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Thanks so much for the compliment! :smiley:

Yw, are your commisions open? If yes then kindly message me on discord

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Oh sorry sadly no, I don’t have commissions open right now. :frowning:

Hopefully I can start something like that soon though.

Oh thats sad, I’d love to hire you asap.

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i think it’s really awesome! the only thing i can think of is the fact the head goes over the person’s shoulders. that can be a stylistic choice but maybe making the head larger/smaller would look better! i also noticed something about the eyes, one is facing up-right and the other is slightly rotated. was that on purpose? are those black hovering things eyebrows as well? other than that, it’s pretty good! i could see you selling this for 100-300 robux :smiley:

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nothing to say it looks good
but the question is
why the tongue is not colored
or its just me idk

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With some of my newer ones I’ve colored it, this one just didn’t really work well with color so I left it out. :slight_smile:

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What do you use to make awesome art like that