New Roblox Infantry Corps | Command Staff Reinstatement


New ROBLOX Infantry Corps - Command Staff Reinstatement

This post and the topics linked in it are associated with the following group:
[NRIC] New ROBLOX Infantry Corps


All returning personnel must have been High Authority or Command Staff, however, the High Authority will have a separate reinstatement so long as they can be beneficial to the group.

General Command Staff Personnel

The Normal Command Staff will be only reinstated to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and will have to work their way back up the ranks, This has been agreed upon by both the Chief of Staff and the Commander of the Infantry.

High Authority Personnel

High Authority so long as they have not leaked important documents or info as well if they did not leave on bad terms may be reinstated into the position if it is available or if the Commander and Chief Of Staff feel they will be beneficial to the group.

Closing Statement

Once a reinstatement happens, Upon reinstatement to the position they will be under review by the Chief Of Staff and the Commander to ensure they can hold their end of the deal by being beneficial should expectations not be met they will be demoted to a position of Captain where they will then work for the positions all over again.



WisconsinFireFighter, Commander, NRIC

Source : New ROBLOX Infantry Corps : Command Staff Reinstatement


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