New Script Editor Scrollbar Markers

Should the marks still be here after closing find/replace/(find all/replace all)?
(Already tried closing and opening my script again)

I was going to suggest the markers in the suggestions but i am glad you guys added one like in chrome. It makes searching long scripts more usefull

This was a much-needed change!

This is really cool I’m not much of a scripter but I do some scripting and this is going to help make it way easier to find and fix errors in scripts

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This is a great new feature. I cannot tell you the amount of times where I have had an issue but it has not shown up so I have had to view the whole script for the error.

This is going to reduce looking for bugs.

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I just noticed this while programming a 2D game, and I love it! I loved how VS had this feature. Another cool feature would be a minimap like so:



October 26 Update:

Hi again Developers,

We’ve encountered a number of bugs affecting Studio running on some versions of MacOS, which we traced back to the enabling of Script Editor Scrollbar Markers. Unfortunately, this means we need to temporarily disable the feature as we correct these issues.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we’ll get Scrollbar Markers turned back on as soon as we can.

Thanks for your patience :slight_smile:


Will this only affect MacOS devices? Or will it affect Windows and Linux machines as well? I assume not.

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I quite like this feature, but:

In the future can you make it so when we hover over the red, it shows the error code and the information.?

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I would love to see more updates to the Script Editor :heart_eyes:

We have it turned off for all OS’s right now. It should be reenabled for everyone though within several weeks

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November 4 Update:

The feature has been reenabled. Happy scripting!

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I’m getting a rather annoying issue with high complexity modules. My scrollbar is littered with warnings for the type checker (presumably), but there is not a single warning visible in the text editor itself.

I notice this only on two of my largest modules, which have been problematic in the past (for example, the type checker still thinks they return no values, though this is a separate issue).

Here’s a small segment to show what I mean

(the scrollbar is about 2/3 of the way down relative to the size of the image itself)

These warnings aren’t positioned incorrectly either, there’s zero warnings in the text editor, only on the sidebar.

One quirk I’ve noticed with the data is that my values (such as MainInfo.Stats.Health are a strange union type of number & number, so I initially thought that was the cause, but casting the value to any doesn’t remove the warning from the sidebar.

My speculation says it’s just that the module exceeds the complexity limit on its own having negative side effects on this feature, but I know nothing about it so I could be wrong. Unfortunately this wreaks havoc on the type analysis of anything using these modules too.

This is cool but vscode is still easier to use so I wont be switching back.

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