New scripting colors? Since when?

When was this added?

My whole coding turned disco colors on me…


Seems like you’re using this theme on the right, which is the default after this update.

If you want to revert back, I bet there has to be someone with the old color values.


This is a new feature regarding script syntax highlighting.

You can change the colors in Studio Settings, between preset colors and custom ones.

My question is how did it randomly change? (I used to use the right until it got changed randomly)

Is this a bad thing? I really like the syntax highlighting.

Oh, I think it might be an update with that theme where indexing various properties/objects via the dot-method are blue and functions/methods are yellow. This is a bit too much, so try changing the colors with the red dot.


You can set those three to the default text color (white on dark mode).

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And I cant actually find the setting.

Those settings can be found through File → Studio Settings → Studio → Script Editor Colors

image something tells me that this is already at default?

This made me laugh. I wish we had RGB Scripts.


I managed to revert the colors to the old ones; here’s the color preset picture:
(by the way, this targets light mode)



I’m happier with the new colors, I think they look nice.

Well, if you change your mind, you can revert it.

Is it possible you can post all of the color options before the update? Thank you!

Here you go.

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I’m using light mode, I don’t think those would work unfortunately.

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There is also this post: How to revert to old studio script colour theme - #39 by iSyriux Although I’m not sure if it’s the original light theme colours.


All other colors are set to their default ones

Sorry if I’m late, but I have managed to get the entire list of the older colours.

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Thanks. But i’ve kinda gotten more used to the new colors than before.

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