Describe the bug. Describe what is happening when the bug occurs. Describe what you would normally expect to occur.
I made a new shirt/pants and I noticed the web preview had been blank for quite some time. I assumed moderation was just going slow until I wore it in-game, and I could see it. That’s normal for shirts in moderation, you can see it but others can’t. But after asking some people, I realized that everyone could see it in-game, and yet it is invisible on the website. I honestly have no idea what is causing this but it’s extremely annoying.
How often does the bug happen (Everytime/sometimes/rarely)? What are the steps that reproduce the bug? Please list them in very high detail. Provide simple example places that exhibit the bug and provide description of what you believe should be the behavior.
I uploaded one pair of pants and six shirts, all of them exhibit this.
To recreate, simply create clothing.
Would a screenshot or video help describe it to someone? If so, post one.
Everyone sees it like this.