New Shorelines Not Working for Non-Voxel Snapped Sea Generation

When generating the sea level at a place that is not snapped to the voxels, it does not use the advanced shorelines. Before this occured, I upgraded my shorelines at their non-voxel snapped height, and they worked fine. However, there came a need to regenerate the sea level, and this caused it to revert to the old sea level look.
When generating at (0,-32,0) (not snapped to voxels):

When generating at (0,-30,0) (snapped to voxels):

Expected behavior

I expect the new shorelines feature to work regardless of whether the sea level is snapped to the voxels. This worked before using the Lua upgrade script that came on the release of the feature, so its probably a bug that is resulting in it not working now that I have regenerated it.

Workaround: Just use the snap to voxel feature.


Hey, thanks for the report! I just let the team know about this.

Hi @jan12000p,

Thanks for reporting this bug!

We would need a bit more information to be able to reproduce and understand the issue, please. Voxels are 4 studs in dimensions so 32 should be fitting a voxel bound. :thinking: Do you have more details on what you have in mind when mentioning 32 being non-snapped to voxel and 30 is? Do you mean this is the result you’re getting using the “snap to voxel” option in Terrain Editor?

When you regenerate the sea level, do you simply do it through the Terrain Editor or you use scripts?

Would you have a simple placefile that reproduces this issue you could share with us and reproduction steps so we can redo the individual steps you took bringing you to this bug, please?

I used the terrain editor. Also, I found that the snapping worked at intervals of 4 along the lines of -30,-34,-38, etc. It probably snaps like that because I am using a size (100,36,100) box for creating the sea level.
WierdSeaLevel.rbxl (58.0 KB)

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I’ve noticed how water bumps up in a way when in contact with terrain when trying to use the sea level tool at increments smaller than 4 studs, it’s a long standing bug since the shorelines update came out, and it’s super annoying.

I’ve learned that an effective-ish workaround is to just use the draw tool, and set its plane lock manually to your desired Y-level. (As of posting this, there is a bug where drawing with the cube or cylinder shaped brushes is clamped to voxels on the Y-axis even when you manually set the plane lock, so only the sphere will actually work)

Thanks for the detailed repro @jan12000p . We’ve been able to confirm the problem in some of the tools (e.g. SeaLevel/Fill here), and we hope to have a fix for it in one of the upcoming updates.

As VGV2 said, note that you work around this until then - by using a different tool to pain the water at the shore.

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