New Showcase game - The Desert


I made a new game again. It’s called “The Desert” this time and it’s again a showcase game. I hope you like it!

Link to the game:

Here are also the pictures of the game. A short rating would be nice : D



Thanks for watching it and I hope you enjoy the game!
You can find more of my games at my group or at my Roblox profile.


The artwork seems really nice, and fits the theme of the game really well. My only recommendation is perhaps make the text a sky orange and replace the blue spread with a light yellow to signify the effect the sunrise has in your icon/thumbnail (Due to the text being underneath the sunrise.) though it’s completely up to you, it looks wonderful both ways. And lastly, a character standing, watching the sunrise while riding his/her horse would give it a more ‘Desert’ themed. (Picture attacked below.) I really like the detail you had put in the artwork, excellent job! ! image

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This is a cool Showcase!

But it still made me want to walk around and explore the desert.

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I like what you did with the lighting. Makes me feel i’m actually in the desert.

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I would remove the seconds in the time It’s too fast and ruins it in my opinion. Other then that it’s great.