As far as functionality, game works perfectly okay so far from what I’ve done.
However, it lacks a lot to be a complete game;
The map feels very empty, as you can see in this screenshot, instead of having random circles with BillboardGuis indicating which is which, you should have built some stores or builds revolving around each of the selections.
Secondly, the digging area, you have an entire plot and the only part you can dig is a small cube in the center? It should be expanded on the entire field.
There are way too many plots, there should be a maximum of 2 plots which all the players can dig on.
Instead of having a random green baseplate and slapping a bunch of trees and rocks on the empty areas to fill it up, you should select a specific theme for the map and build things that relate to it so it feels more naturally filled, because as it looks right now you’re just trying to keep it full.
On a side note, I like the giant mountains in the back! Maybe use a bit of shade smooth in Blender once you model them so they still look low-poly, just not THAT low-poly.

UI is extremely small and doesn’t overall look clean.

Not much to say, it’s clear that your specialty is in the field of programming.
This is fine, but you preferably shouldn’t have that up there, it’s too big, and unnecessary for the player to see.
Another thing to mention, this game highly reminds me of those Mining Simulator games, I think those are popular already, so the chance of this particular game receiving traction might be low but don’t take my word for it.
Overall, you’re a one man army and that’s what makes you and your game impressive as you’ve partook in pretty much everything from building, to coding, to making UI, and I applaud you for that. You should take these sorts of games as learning experiences and use that knowledge in future projects. Look back at it in about 3 years and you’ll see how much better you’ve gotten as a developer. You did great on your own in my opinion.