New SocialService call feature doesn't work outside of the place Roblox Connect

Hey there! I’ve been testing around with the new SocialService calling feature and I’ve made a quick test, including these scripts:

ServerScript inside ServerScriptService called “Main”:

local SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService")
local TeleportService = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local UserService = game:GetService("UserService")

SocialService.OnCallInviteInvoked = function(_, ids: { string })
	local AccessCode = nil
	local s, err = pcall(function()
		local Caller = ids[1]
		local Calling = ids[2]
		local CallingName = UserService:GetUserInfosByUserIdsAsync({ ids[2] })[1]

		AccessCode = TeleportService:ReserveServer(15382020266)
	if not s then warn(err) end
	print(s, AccessCode)
	return { ReservedServerAccessCode = AccessCode, PlaceId = 15382020266 }

And a LocalScript under a TextButton that activates the phone book:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local SocialService = game:GetService("SocialService")

local Player = Players.LocalPlayer

local function CanSendCallingInvite(sendingPlayer)
	return SocialService:CanSendCallInviteAsync(sendingPlayer)

local canCall = CanSendCallingInvite(Player)
if canCall then
		SocialService:PromptPhoneBook(Player, "")

The expected result is: The call gets sent and when the receiver accepts the call, they get teleported into the place with the id specified in the script (15382020266)

But what happens is: This message pops up when you start the call and the call fails
The pcall specified in the script also works and returns success with the valid reserved server code as seen here

But calls inside the Roblox Connect experience seem to be working fine.
Have a nice day!


You can’t go inside ther experiences in Roblox Studio, it only works in the main game

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Has the place been published for >7 days? It’s a requirement for the APIs to work


No, that’s not how the API works. It should teleport you into your own place, as stated in the documentation. It is obviously not possible to open a reserved server in another experience.

Yes, it is 2 weeks old now. I’ve also tried it on 2 more places published over a year ago.

Hey everyone, found someone here at Roblox to look, we’ll update you here as soon as we can.

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