New solver autocomplete crashes to desktop with union type and table.create

As of version 0.632, the following code crashes Studio to desktop with no message when showing completions for properties on self, regardless of the typechecking directive (--!strict etc) being used:

local Class = {}
Class.__index = Class
export type Class = typeof(setmetatable({}, Class))

local Inherited = {}
Inherited.__index = Inherited
type Inherited = typeof(setmetatable({}, Inherited)) & Class
setmetatable(Inherited, Class)

type tUnion = Inherited | {'h'}
local OtherClass = {}
OtherClass.__index = OtherClass

type self = {field: tUnion}
export type OtherClass = typeof(setmetatable({}::self, OtherClass))

function OtherClass.finaliseFrame(self:OtherClass): ()
	table.clear(self.field) --crashes when changed

Repro file:
solverCrashTest.rbxl (40 KB)

A private message is associated with this bug report

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!

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Thank you for the report.

You can avoid the crash by disabling “New Luau type solver” in the Studio Beta Feature list.

We will post a follow-up message here when this issue in the Beta is resolved.

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bad wording on my part sorry, by “typechecking mode” i meant the --!strict, --!nonstrict and --!nocheck directives