Sorting by creation date / ‘new’ is missing >:
Sorting by recently updated is swamped because roblox is updating hundreds of hats to work with R15
Note that catalog items are often created well before they are added to the catalog, so the creation date will not line up with when you remember hats were released.
Checking for new hats is an odd process. Clearly recently updated isn’t reliable in events like this and featured show an arbitrary selection which sometimes has new hats.
How are they hidden before they’re visible on the site? Is there a Visible check in the asset API?
Or maybe the sort would be called “New!” but really it’s “earliest version of the asset with a robux sale amount”
They mostly is hidding the items, to make sure the look is expected best quality, and once they are ready to hit the button “publish” or “show to public” they hit it.
Many times, when they want it removed from the site, they could comment it out, take it off sale and ofc they could denie acess to the asset it self. By denying acess to the asset, the site can’t acess and make the asset page.
But as you say there’s mostly a “don’t show to public” button they got.