New Sponsored Items and Updated Ad Audiences

I agree with you here, what is horrifying to think about is all the people that will be forced off of Roblox because of this.

I am in touch with many developers, and there’s many that fear for their jobs here on Roblox. For some, it’s their only source of income.

Me and so many others sincerely hope Roblox makes a statement, listens to us and takes proactive step to help mitigate the damages they have caused.

Our financial stability is at risk!


I agree. I just released a new tycoon game(tycoons get usually around half or more players under 13 based on my more popular tycoon; space tycoon) This new game has almost 0 players under 13 and has cut my game growth in half! I have 0.0 way to get this game out to my targeted audience and I am paying a fortune to get it to mostly 18+ users through the ad system…


I agree with the part where you say roblox should improve the homepage algorithm and show more new games to attract players, but I totally disagree with your first statement!

“Most of the ads are scams or ads for low effort predatory games”

First, where did you get this data? Have you ever witnessed or seen a significant amount of sponsor scammers instead of other developers spending tons of robux to try to show more of their work and effort?

“You can advertise game passes and products on the game website and within the game. You can also advertise in other games and outside of the platform.”

I found your speech very arrogant, as if it were easy for us to partner with other games or even PAY YOUTUBERS to record in our games (which for who tried todo that with them, most don’t charge less than 50k - depending on the number of subscribers), which is a real unreality for small developers!

“I am, for one, ready to pay more for such thing.”

Lmao?? After that speech I reaffirm that the way you argued was totally arrogant, as if you were devaluing small developers who don’t have a good amount of robux to invest in their creations!

I took a look at your profile, and I found only 1 experience of yours, with 10 million visits and 170 simultaneous players, I can’t say, but you probably still haven’t spent robux with sponsor after this change, when your game get drop in number of players (which is normal happen after a while), I hope you come back here to show us what you did to revive your game (and seems to be a developer on roblox for 2-3 years, still must not know how hard it is to make new experiences work out).


I clicked on first ten skyscrapper ads. (I kept clicking when I got the same ad) I got:

  • murder mystery knockoff - basically a scam game
  • Vesteria (good game)
  • Aldershot Garrison (before being able to play I got already 3 purchase ‘opportunities’)
  • sitting simulator (more dislikes than likes)
  • Booga Booga (good game)
  • Earn and Donate (while good game, but the abstraction may be lost on some minors)
  • Fighting Simulator (good game)
  • stupid idiot cafe (more dislikes than likes)
  • two clothes shops

So yes, while maybe not majority on this occasion, I consider this a significant amount of scammers. Majority of those games are unsuitable for minors.

But since I got kids on my own, I agree I may be subjective on this topic.

Edit: I am more of a hobby developer, I cannot put myself in a position of a person that has their livelihood dependent on the platform. I do apologise if I offended anyone.

However my statement still stands. If your game requires constant ad life support after initial launch and outside of major update campaigns, no amount of sponsoring will permanently boost your numbers.

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After releasing another tycoon, and advertising/sponsoring too the public with 100s of thousands of robux on all platforms, these are roughly my results. I have almost everyone as an 18+ player in a TYCOON game.(which is usually intended for a younger audience) The only way I can get this game popular is with YouTube influencers as sponsoring and advertising are costly and no longer viable options. Not only is getting on one of the discover pages which gives you free advertising 24/7 nearly impossible, the second it falls off one of the top pages on discover, you are doomed. As you will lose access to all your players. Discovery NEEDS to be improved and should be a top priority. Removing all access to players under 13 is a HUGE step back. I will be quitting development on my smaller games as it is now near impossible to get them younger players. Hopefully we get a response eventually.


and do you think contacting youtubers is an easy task ?, after all the scripting and modeling and all that hard work yet we have to beg youtubers to notice us ? is this how developers look like in roblox ?


i think you cealrly didn’t read the post well


Contacting influencers isn’t really the hard part.

When you make an advertisement, you yourself are solely responsible for what message you want to convey to your potential players, you are in-charge of the message, how often it is seen etc.

If you do manage to get an influencer on board, you best believe you will be charged at least $1,000 (if it’s from an influencer with a reasonably large audience).

After that, you are 100% reliant on the influencer. Are they going to be on-point with their social media post? Are they going to present your game in a way that you want? Is their audience going to be interested? Is their viewership even applicable to your game?

I’d say to most people making U13 games isn’t optional anymore, only the big titles and large capital studios can really afford to reach the U13 users on Roblox, nowadays 13+ is the way to go if you want a chance.


I’ve lost over 3m-5m monthly visits from this change, lost the ability to launch my games too. This change has ruined the way I develop and market games, and has pushed me into paying $2500 PER VIDEO for youtubers…


Can’t sponsor without spending large amounts. I use to get ~50 concurrent players with <4000 robux, and now I have put 3 sponsors reaching a total of 15k+ robux to get me about ~35 concurrent players. I do have the money to advertise, however, it is nearly pointless. I do not want to pay thousands of dollars to have a youtuber make a video on my game.

If this isn’t going to be reverted or changed, sponsors should at least be buffed to where the cost is lower & impressions/plays are increased.


The cons completely outweighs the pros on this update, every legitimate developer on the platform who has to spend robux on ads knows that this is a terrible update. “But since I got kids on my own, I agree I may be subjective on this topic.” Your completely biased is what your trying to say. There are other ways to reduce scamming with it comes to roblox ads, SIMPLY INCREASE The Strictness of the requirements for ads for ads aimed for players <13. Ads aimed toward <13 can be subjected to increased scrutiny prior to it being allowed to be placed to be advertised.


I hope this is resolved soon :frowning:

  • We should be allowed, as developers, to reach all audiences.
  • The under-13 crowd may be ~50% of Roblox’s audience, but for some of our games it is much greater. There are entire games designed for this crowd we can no longer reach. This is a death sentence to those developers.

Silence on Roblox’s end usually points to legal trouble. I wish for more transparency on this particular subject and I await the day to see under 13 ads return.


The lack of transparency recently has been really the worst part of what’s been happening recently. When we as developers show our distaste of the update, instead of explaining their reasoning, Roblox stays silent. Explanation of the change and Roblox’s reasoning would show that they care, as of right now the silence is implying the opposite. This approach by Roblox has been taken on almost all controversial changes as of recently. I truly believe transparency is one of the greatest ways Roblox can show they care, but unfortunately Roblox is severely lacking.


It’s really ridiculous you can’t see ads if you’re under anymore.


This is another stab in the back by Roblox. An update in March regarding audio was swiftly pushed out creating a huge inconvenience for developers and Roblox didn’t even have a response to the negative response by the community. This is just going to be swept under the rug and all feedback is going to be ignored while Roblox sits back in silence. You guys are honestly taking a dump on all developers and their outreach on the -13 age group. I lose hope for Roblox as these god-awful updates trickle in.


I also think it’s cute how they allow us to respond and give our feedback but in the end they are not going to even take our feedback into consideration. This is just an illusion to make us feel like we have a voice in the matter, but in reality, we do not.


It has been quite a month ever since I’m occurring this bug, or whatever this is.
My account is 13+, yet I do NOT see any ads. And no, I do not have any adblockers.

This is my account setting:

Here is a video of me refreshing my page, but no ads show up.

I’ve tested this on an incognito mode, and ads were being shown to me (13+ account).
I even logged out of my account and logged back in, but no results.

What is going on Roblox?


Can you make a Bug Report and link it? I’d happily support. Something similar just happened with Play buttons. Worthy of a “Very High” in importance.


Appreciate your help, asimo! Unfortunately, I’m not a Regular. I don’t have access to the #bug-reports category.