I am working on a game, I just made a new starting screen.
it’s a post apocalyptic game
here it is: open for testing - Roblox
[I closed play because im still working on the game ]
please give feedback
I am working on a game, I just made a new starting screen.
it’s a post apocalyptic game
here it is: open for testing - Roblox
[I closed play because im still working on the game ]
please give feedback
Could you provide screenshots/gifs of your starting screen? It would be much easier that way (especially for some of us mobile users)
ok 30charssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
It’s quite neat, however I feel like you can update the info boxes that pop up when you click on help or updates to fit the theme more. Right now the text is of a different font. The colored ‘x’ button does not fit the color scheme.
Also, consider detailing the room more
Edit: @FivPyra made a really good point:
I’m not a master scripter, so how do I disable the core ui’s?
Here’s the script: ‘Make sure it is a local script in StarterGui.’
local StarterGui = game:GetService('StarterGui')
StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, false)
I got a chance to try out the menu myself. It looks great, just a few critiques.
I added some tweening to the Updates and Help GUI
and made them fit more with the theme!
Sadly I can’t give you a gif or video of it.
Every file im recording and stuff isn’t working…
Looks really nice! I like the style of this menu.
I would add some motion to the camera, a simple shake if you will, while sitting in menu.
My only problem is the “Updates” text isn’t aligned with play and help. You should also make “PLAY” like “Play” because Updates and Help aren’t like that (Or you can make them all capitalized). Other than that, nice job!
Overall great menu, I like the tweening but it could use some feedback!
-- Your tweening
To compensate for this just set the Visible
property of the menu you clicked to true
and the other menu to false
Good luck with your starting screen!
Looks lovely, maybe make the updates gui a bit different with something like a list on.
A very good starting screen, I will definitely play this game!