New Studio Beta: Attributes!

It’d be cool of we could make subcategories under the conventional attributes section. That way you could separate attributes based on their function. For instance, a sword could have a category for damage and a also category for moves.

Also, we need attributes to support CFrame and Objects! A lot of the time I use CFrameValues to easily save CFrames but attributes would clean that up big-time. I also use ObjectValues a lot and attributes seem like they’re perfect for holding references to certain instances.

Apart from that, I’m excited to see where attributes go


No, please don’t change the nil behaviour. Checking if an attribute is nil is way easier and cleaner lthan pcall-ing. If that behaviour is really needed, another method (or an argument to the function) should be added that makes it error.


I can’t believe it. It’s been such a long time since attributes functions were added to studio. I can’t believe it now became a beta feature. They are going to be so usefull in oop.

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I suppose the dummy object in Studio would be a configuration folder, or folder? In the past week, i’ve needed something like global attributes that could be accessed by my whole game to offset the typing speed or delay settings. So I setup a configuration folder, right under Workspace.

The nice thing about just setting up objects under a configuration folder is the objects are more visible… using this new attributes system buries them under the “Properties” window. Which is fine… but its just a new way of doing the same thing as creating a Folder or Configuration folder, it seems.

If attributes are going to be under an object, maybe the object should have some sort of marker or flag next to it indicating that attributes exist, otherwise we may not know, right off hand where a developer we’re collaborating with has put them, without first going to their scripts.

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This has to be my favorite update right after the output window (might even be my favorite one over all of them). This is so useful and can help with a lot of scenarios. Thank you for this update, it was much needed! This is truly a good start to 2021 with this new update, and I can’t see what the future holds. Thank you to everyone who worked on this! I can’t wait to see the final release.

Awesome! Many developers like myself have been dreaming for this to get released :smiley:

I think your suggested methods FindAttribute and WaitForAttribute would be great additions.

I also think it would be good to have other methods such as the following:

  • FindFirstChildWithAttribute
  • WaitForChildWithAttribute
  • GetChildrenWithAttribute
  • GetDescendantsWithAttribute

Also, I am curious as to whether changes made to Attributes on the client side would be automatically replicated to the server or vice versa? Is it solely based on the replication of the instance?


This is an amazing feature, I am going to use this for all of my games. This is way better than having loads of values!

This will really help with any sort of scripting, cannot wait to use this in my games. Looks like it’s easier to use too much better then having messy values everywhere. :hot_face: :hot_face:

I hope this is not the case, it’ll go against all logic set forth by FilteringEnabled.


I mean, you can add attributes to game:

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game isn’t an empty object, it’s the DataModel and developers can’t create those anyway.

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Yes, but if you need a dummy object for storing game-wide data I don’t see why you couldn’t just use game.


I’m really excited to see this addition. I’m gonna wait until it’s properly released though, yet thanks a lot for adding attributes!

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I think they are talking about an Instance that can be inserted by the developer that doesn’t have any other properties associated with it so that it can reduce overhead.

Their current best bet is to probably just use a Folder or ConfigurationFolder but it would be nice to have a dedicated Instance so that its easy to filter and organize.


Thank you so much all who worked on this!

I can see this particularly useful. If you combine it with an OOP module, you just made yourself a custom Roblox instance.

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Please add instance support, it would be incredibly useful to have instances as an attribute because an instance variable isn’t always going to be the same instance for each object


This is redundant. If you want to find instances with a certain attribute, use CollectionService instead. This tag system is specifically meant for situations like these.

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The only problem with these is that new instances of the module class would not have individual attributes, you would have to change them the conventional way. It would be useful for static variables though.

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Why is that? I wouldn’t see any reason why that has to be a case.