New Studio Feature - CollisionFidelity.PreciseConvexDecomposition (Enabled Globally)

This is great! Gone are the days of being stopped by invisible walls on unioned/mesh things. I was thinking I’d have to create my own hitbox out of parts for this car (but gun raycasts would be stopped by an invisible windshield) but I remembered this feature!


Given the performance impact of default collision fidelity, this sounds like it’s best used in small doses, but nice to be able to enable much finer collision detail (especially when you need players to walk through a circular door lol)


This does not work with blender pipes at all.

What I am trying to get it to be like.

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You could try dividing that pipe into 2. Don’t forget this still has to estimate concave surfaces.

Tried that as well, it’s even worse than the other.

I think you did a very good job!
It makes being able to collide into unions perfectly.
This will mean that you can make better games with this new change when it comes live.

How bad is the effect on physics performance?

cuz… i can tell you i’ll very likely have some physics issues with the left model, but for raycasting purposes (which i use a lot to calculate armor thickness) I’d definitely want.

in fact, i believe i had spoke with you a year or so back because the idea of each player having just default collision settings was just too much for roblox to handle.


Yeah it will definitely be more expensive. We haven’t improved the actual collision detection algorithm, so the more colored objects (convexes) the slower it will run in real time.


Later today I will ship a final large improvement that may fix these problems. I’ll repost once its enabled. Could you PM me this mesh so that I could try it with the improvements beforehand?


@Player1unknown Latest improvement is live. Any chance you can try and post results?

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For some reason I am not able to find CollisionFidelity and I activated the Beta feature.

CollisionFidelity should be below CanCollide right?

I have an issue with my Union, so I really want to try this beta feature.

I want to union these 360 triangular prisms:

But when I do Union I get this:

@Khanovich is CollisionFidelity temporary not available?

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WedgeParts don’t have CollisionFidelity, only MeshParts and PartOperations do.

This has nothing to do with union operations afaik, just the collision box of unions/meshes. They don’t make the union operations produce more accurate results. You may have misread the post.

You’ll want to make that shape in Blender (or similar) and then import it into Roblox, then set the fidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition.

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Oh I see. I guess I did misread this post. I thought it was something of both. I guess I have to try blender then.

Any chance you can share that level with me (PM me)? We have some people working on the CSG operations themselves and I bet they would like to have that as an example of something that doesn’t work but we want to see if we can fix.

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My, oh my. Before this I had to convert unions with small holes and such into meshes, an extra pain in the butt. Glad to see accurate collision fidelity finally released.

Where can I find this setting? All of my important unions have corrupted.

I will try it again right now.

Wait so, I have a Cylinder in the center of my map that has a doorway, but originally players could not walk through if CanCollide was set to true. With this, does that fix that problem I had?

Sorry for asking about the same thing again. But, can someone please explain in plain English (not developerese) what does happen when you toggle the beta on?

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The object’s collisions will be heavily improved.

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