New Studio Font is Hard to Read/Headache-Inducing

When I opened up Studio this morning, it auto-installed the new update. It seems that with this new update came a new font (for some reason). The old font was perfectly fine and easy to decipher. The new font triggers a bad headache with the thin close together lines, and I cannot for the life of me understand why they changed it to this. Please either revert it back or add an option where we can change the entire UI font in Studio to something custom. Thank you.
Attached is a screenshot of the eyesore that my font currently looks like:


it does not appear that I have any overrides selected for my DPI

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Try reinstalling Roblox Studio.

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This worked! Thank you. Much appreciated


Our current theory is there’s a problem with the installer on Windows not properly installing the font (there’s another team looking into the installer issue). If anyone sees this issue occur again, please share logs so we can verify.


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