New Tactical Clothing

Hello everyone, I am Albanian_Godd and I make tactical clothing on roblox. I do commissions almost all the time as well as making uniforms for my military groups and for myself.

Just recently I received an order, and it required for me to create a combat outfit with a black camo.

The outfit contained:
-Black camo truspec
-Black camo combat vest with accessories
-Black camo tactical bottoms
-Black boots
-Black holster
-Knee pads

Now this order was a bit harder than usual, and my lack of recent commissions made me a bit rusty, this was a nice wake-me-up and I think the final product was very nice.

Anyways, here is the product in the net form:

Here is the product being worn:

Please let me know your opinions, as well as comments and things I can improve on. If you have any questions you can reach out to me via Devforum or Discord (That1MilitaryTeen#6439).

Thank you for reading, your feedback is greatly appreciated.


This look really good although the backpack and the backpack strings looks off and prob bias about this part but in the front how the blue skin is showing a little below the neck I just don’t like.

The blue isnt part of the uniform, it is part of the dummy that’s wearing it.

I understand that I was saying normally I don’t like the skin to show below the neck but that’s me just being bias.

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Hi there, just took a look at the clothing you have made and I’ve got to say I’m impressed. The attention to detail is on point and gives it a realistic look.
Awesome job


Looks cool! The camo is certainly well-worked on.