New TAoN House!

Hello everyone! I was revamping some things in my game TAoN and I remade the house! I’m going for an old-style build.

Old version:

New version:

Please give feedback if you have any! Thanks for reading! :wink: :love_you_gesture:


The new one doesn’t have any studs on the door or sides of the roof.

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Oops you’re right! I just added them.

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Rad dude! Looks great! I like the cartoony feel to it!

I like the old version better. The door needs to be better try making it look normal, the windows could use a seal (If you are trying to make a reflection in it then I suggest getting a part and slanting it around a 30 to 60 degree angle inside the window seal), I suggest you take off all the studs n stuff, the roof could also use some work maybe make it pop out more in the front and back. If you are going for a cartoony style then I recommend blender also is your collision on?