New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

Maybe even In-Studio Mesh painting perhaps? So it can support grass.


Best update that I’ve seen in a while.

Material Suggestions
I’d love to see more grunge-type materials, or worn materials. Stuff like scratched metal, or even something like broken glass could work really well. Currently the only material that works well for worn-down items is the corroded metal material, and it’s pretty limited in it’s uses.

Would definitely like to opt in. Place IDs are 2083382771 and 3102089533


This looks great!
I would like to opt in: 5553887981


I think that a MUCH needed material is a type of “gloss.” When created, it could make anything from stone to wood look glossy. (Like when you look at polished stone.) This would be extremely efficient when creating floors as most modern floors has glossiness. (Sorry, I know I probably over used the word glossy :sweat_smile:) Also, I would suggest non-scratched glass- the only option for glass right now is this template with scratches all over it.


Wait- I’m a bit confused- do we opt in by placing our place ID in a reply? Or do we automatically get access to turn it on if we are in the beta program?


I’d like to opt in: 6107020984

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Roblox has changed a lot.

Also I notice that water terrain used to blend in WAY better, I hope that good water blending will come to Smooth Terrain. Overall, 50/10 update!

Edit 1: This aged well… I just hope they fix things before official release.

Edit 2: They kinda fixed some things, but they also did not listen to feedback very well.

Edit 3: This aged really well, they went almost standard! Water also blends much better now.


It’s not released till early next year. I don’t believe pasting your ID here will do anything.


I would love to mess around with this with my mesh water and sea game testing
Place ID: 6107028617

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Bout to be the next unreal engine :heart_eyes:


Finally, a step on the right direction, is it possible to see improvements on meshing and higher quality texturing that can be imported through blender along with UV texturing option? Summarizing, this is something we’ve been waiting for. With roblox really being buffed, I can see where this update will be headed towards.


Absolutely amazing looking. Quite an improvement. I am looking forward to this new terrain. This will enhance builds wayyy more than you could even imagine.


This is very exciting, super pumped to try out these materials! I have been thinking we needed new ones for years now. Love this!


This is an amazing thing. More materials can help people make beautiful things with terrain, and new part additions seem nice as well.


I cant seem to find these within ROBLOX Studio. Are they released yet? Or how will I find these?

I’m so excited to see all of these and to test out these new amazing materials. I think this is a huge leap forward for the development-building community. I would love to test these new materials out;

I’d love to ID : 6104883758

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The beta comes out next year, so lets all be hyped!

Oh no, how did it get this out of hand.

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Hype aside, what will become of the old materials?

Also, will the terrain generator be revamped with the new materials?


You really gotta tease us lol. But really, thank you for this. It looks amazing! When I saw the materials I started laughing from how good it looks. And the sand looks so realistic but it does give me 2014 vibes idunno why.

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This is amazing and its going to make Roblox look 100 times better! Amazing job Roblox!

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