New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

This update looks great, although I’d like to point out something that’s always kind of annoyed me with the terrain water. I’m not sure if this has been mentioned in this thread already, or if there had been plans made to fix this, but I always notice that the terrain water likes to bulge out of the sea level plane. It’s visible in one of your screenshots as seen below.

It’s exciting to see the future of materials and textures. I just hope better water physics follow!


This is such an exciting update. Finally cohesion between parts and terrain! And that Bark!? Well done to whichever team pushed this!


Yes, I can agree!
image image


I absolutely refuse to use terrain in most cases because of the blending with terrain and water.


This is an update I’ve been wanting for a while. It really covers my needs in terms of materials and terrain. I was having a few doubts about Roblox terrain, but seeing this brought my hopes up and fingers crossed, Roblox will continue to bring us amazing updates for lighting, materials, and more options for building and rendering in Studio. I first saw this in RDC, actually. I was wondering when this would be announced further.

I’m quite impressed by the first material in the image, looks like sand or something. Roblox is slowly starting to look like Unreal Engine, we just need volumetric lighting, and I’ll be even happier.

I’m looking forward to using these materials, and it’s very exciting to see this.

I’ll be able to take advantage of this update by using it on my builds.

Thank you Roblox, and cheers to more brilliant updates like this! :wink:


The out-of-beta version will probably be announced in the new Roblox Developer Roadmap for 2021.


This looks absolutely fantastic!!

Please let me experiment with this and push this out for the Christmas update,
Place Id: 5535311150

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As a terrain designer, I cannot wait to see this for the map I’m working on below!



Whoa, the new materials look amazing! This is probably one of the best updates this year! Can’t wait to try it out.

Can it please be enabled for these places:

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This is amazing, but I don’t see any mentions on performance impacts. Has any steps been taken help reduce memory usage for unused materials and etc? Is this going to be similar to the grass update where little no performance impacts occurred? (In fact I believe staff mentioned that the grass update helped improve performance somehow) Or is this going to be similar to future is bright with the future technology (expensive)


This is absolutely blowing my mind at how good it looks!

Please add this to these two places:

This is literally amazing! Wow!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Here Someone did ask about it there Is no visible impact on performance with the new materials.

cant wait for this


:heart_eyes: WOW!!! I love it!! I would love to test it in the game my team is developing! My team is trying to have our game focus on realism and this will bring it up to the Next level! Once clouds come out, With all these updates, it will bring our game up 5 Levels!!
ID: 5894091122


This update looks absolutely fantastic, I love all the new materials and changes this brings. I’d love to be able to play around with this on my game!

ID: 5775453338

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This looks insane!

Id: 4805544631


This is INCREDIBLE! I can’t wait to see what people will do to this. Roblox, you’re spoiling us!

Id: 4908652076 & 3186282306


Epic! I would like to opt-in. Place: 4977209968


Woah woah woah woah woah!!! Wow Roblox! This is one of the best updates ever! Exclusive terrain now for part materials!!! WOW! I honestly can’t wait for this to come out to the public. In fact, when the beta comes out, I want to enable the beta right away!


Also I have a suggestion. Wild Grass Ground for parts, so we can enable decorating. This update will make building a whole lot realistic and easier!

Cant wait to see what everyone else does also!

Opt In

I would like to opt into the place beta, however, I have multiple places within a game I want this enabled in:
Main game (Universe): 1763740846

If you can enable it for the game, great :slight_smile: If you need places, please DM me! Thanks!