New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

This is really cool and all, but i think there should be a major rework of the terrain placing. At the current state, you would have to put in hours to make a beautiful mountain(without Part to Terrain plugin.) Please, make it this easy to build terrain! Make it something like this- Building Worlds in ‘Fortnite’ With Unreal Engine | Unreal Fest Online 2020 - YouTube (Go to 09:10) And i would really appreciate that you add road building like shown in the video to Roblox studio (In 10:20)

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I agree, the terrain making needs a huge rework, and something that I would ADORE is a free grid (a very small one) for detailed things like water. Maybe they haven’t added it because it would be confusing for newer developers.


This looks insane, i was hoping to see more terrain materials too, because currently there are not enough of them. Would also love to see this enabled on one of my terrain based maps to try out.

Place ID: 5575814080

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Old terrain was very boring up until now. There was little actual nature, or proper variety. But now, I think we have practically peaked. Just look at that beautiful terrain!
As a person who never tended to use old terrain, I am looking forward to using this! :smile:


I would like to opt-in.

ID: 6091564023

Is this nature pack also included? Terrain is very well made but I feel like roblox should also add their nature pack.


This is a great addition to Roblox games and I am sure it will look great!

Just look at this. The amount of details and realism can only be described by one word: “Wow.”

I’d like to see different wood types for materials, like those in Minecraft. (Oak, birch and etc.) They would let developers make trees and buildings built with wood look far more realistic and detailed.

I’d like to see my place whitelisted (even though it’s in the middle of development). Place ID: 5943071393


I’d like to opt in. Place ID: 6058447350

Roblox is starting to look more like Unreal Engine, which is really great to see given how user friendly and easy it is to learn.

I’m so gonna opt in for this.

ID: 6108088033

This is absolutely amazing, I can’t wait to see terrain dense games be magically improved with the hard work of everyone on the team. You guys are killing it!

Opt in!

Place Id: 4064321080
Place Id: 6079785490

(I hope I’m doing it right) > Nervous Laughter

Much love, this is great guys!

This is probably the best material update I’ve ever seen at Roblox! I can’t wait until I get to use it, good work!

Opt in

place Id: 6107955298

rip my intel celeron T3300, gonna catch fire soon

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The end of the title of this thread is actually what is this update! Oh my god!!

Amazing update for mappers, builders, game designer and others. I’m very excited to test this and to use it when it will be released!

If you can add me in the opt-in list, that would be very cool !

Place ID : 6108241595
This is a place test, to test correctly the feature!

Just waiting to get my hands on this thing. :astonished:


Yet another very very good update. Keep up the great work :slight_smile:

Opt In
Game ID : 5878543902

This update will be a good addition to the realistic vibe of my game!
Opt in
Place ID:

This is AMAZING! After these lighting updates, the thing we needed next was better terrain and materials, congratulations to the Roblox Team for doing such a wonderful job with it!

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Wow this is like a dream come true! Im so excited I cant wait to get in and try all these new materials!!!
On another note, because how could I resist the offer of opt in~!

Place ID: 2538919751

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I’ve been waiting for this update for years now, probably most excited for this update from every (amazing) update Roblox has released since I started deving.

I’d like to Opt in:

Place id: 6032321144


This looks amazing!

I would like to opt in for these two Place ID’s: