New Terrain, and Parts, and Built-In Materials, Oh my!

Sadly you can’t create many water-oriented games due to the horrible water fog that you can’t even remove.

And the border where water and terrain meets is also horrible
robloxapp-20201222-2220345.wmv (716.3 KB)


At least, we do need Terrain that is related to nature, mainly. I don’t know how many people do houses with concrete… Or bricks.

Parts could be more of building textures, such as rocks, derelict stuffs…


Incredible! Thank you :grinning:

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This was so much needed! Looks great.
I’d like to opt in if possible: 6103074690

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While performance may be an issue, ultimately it should be up to the developer to choose what platform their game should be the desired target. Now I cannot provide any examples, surely there are games that utilize this effect in a reasonable manner that may not provide much a performance hit. Either way, I find the idea “it would be too performance intensive on mobile platforms” flawed logic and an excuse to not implement such a graphical feature. Unless the rendering engine could not, in effect, support such a feature to be implemented without issue aside from the matter of efficiency but rather visual render (in the event, no matter what correction is made, visual artifacts are generated that greatly disrupt the purpose of the effect), then that is fairly reasonable.

I certainly am not a programmer, let alone an experienced graphics effect artist, as the aforementioned proposal regarding performance and other platforms being used as a crutch beyond PC/console to not put forth the effort or ultimately to create the product yet not implement it is no explanation. With that in mind, I wish to understand with adequate explanation to why it would not work with testing having been conducted.


I would like to opt in as well.
Place ID: 4426746098

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Amazing roblox! These new terrain types will be amazing! However the tools that terrain are done with, I would view need changing and refreshing, I couldn’t specify myself, But im sure other terrain artists here might be able to.


Hello, this is amazing! We would like to opt-in for these new textures!
Game IDs: 5657206341, 5667511094, 6125563023.

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Pardon if I missed something, but how do we enable this new feature? I don’t see an option in beta settings.

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It’s supposed to come out in beta early next year.


Woah, finally! One of the greatest updates. This basically will change how Roblox games look and I can’t believe how far Roblox came to. Good job! Can’t wait!

Place ID: 5361122367
Would be thankful if these features we added to this place for testing. Thanks in advance.

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Will there be condensation on glass?


My god these look so realistic! I love it :shock: I would love to make something in my game with those!


Holy frick this is amazing!!! I’d like to opt in. Along with this, a suggestion for a new terrain material could be actual lava, not just the cracked stuff. Maybe this lava could have the option to deal damage to the player, like a toggleable setting so that devs can create areas with challenges. Anyways, the place ID I’d like in this would be place #5654577234.

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Opt In:

Place IDs: 5978768150 , 4559287163

This is amazing

This update looks amazing! I didn’t read anywhere about opting-in, however I can’t pass up this opportunity.

Opt In
My ID: 44703844
Game IDs: 6127321545, 6127332257

i wasn’t talking about water, i was talking about materials, and making more animated ones

I know a lot of people have made suggestions about water being more smooth and blending, but I also think that water should have more customization options like being able to choose the direction of flow as well as a much higher wave height.


I have a suggestion it would be really cool if you could import your own orb material like from that I use for realistic materials in blender

I rarely ever build in Roblox anymore, but this looks sick.

I’d put a place ID to opt in but 80% of my building is done in local .rbxl files so :woman_shrugging:

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