New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

Would double the file size I think.
Obviously I’m no expert, just being a parrot and repeating stuff I saw earlier that’s now lost in this gigantic thread.

Exactly, roblox can make it so both textures can be used while being optimal, there’s just no good reason for completely replacing them

Even if it may slow down download speed by the size increase, I’m still a little confused on how they’re able to keep in a lot of other things like future lighting, atmospheres and general visual improvements, but deny being able to contain more modified textures made to blend in with the current environment.

Partpicker plugin is good for this purpose.

It doesn’t double it, but it’s close enough to a double. ~1.8x


Overall, the new materials actually haven’t seen a drastic visual change to my project (owing to the amount of custom PBR textures), although there are both pros and cons to speak of where the changes are visible. However, I can see the changes heavily affecting games which rely heavily on the standard Studio materials. I’d urge Roblox to release the custom materials feature as soon as possible, as the majority of the current controversy can be averted this way + it’s a feature developers (including myself) have been asking for for years.

Note: I recommend using the Part Picker plugin for any builders looking to change the materials of their parts en-masse as a result of this material update.

The new ground material is far cleaner, more versatile and with seemingly more refined normal/roughness maps than before, I can see getting a lot of use out of it. However, I’m not at all a fan of the new grass, which looks plasticky and cartoony compared to the original. Additionally, the contrast and texture definition on the muddy edges of grass seems to have been pretty much nuked, also having a strange sickly-yellow tinge compared to the previous (in my opinion, more natural) brown.

Sand is probably one of the worst changes, with an overly pronounced normal map - which I assume is meant to give the effect of being well-travelled - though frankly it ends up looking more like crumpled paper and is quite harsh to look at. In addition, it’s lost a lot of its versatility, formerly being one of the most multipurpose default materials out there.

The new wood textures actually hold up quite well, with the non-planked wood material being a marked improvement over the original. Planking, though having lost some of the “rougher” character of the original, has a generally improved albedo and also appears more pronounced from a distance + different lighting angles. (Yes, the wood grain is going to be fixed in some areas; some of these assets are still quick drafts). Overall, I’m quite pleased with both materials. Sand, again, looks like crumpled paper and warrants changing materials as it can’t really be used for the purposes it used to.


this update is so amazing overall, but there are some materials such as granite, pebble, grass and slate that should keep their old contrast, because this isn’t only going to affect a lot of games, but also ruin the vibe or ambiance felt by the player while going in places using these materials

  • The old slate looks like a stone, compared to the new one that looks more like a museum exposition

  • and I think this speaks for itself, the new granite not only looks brighter, but also looks like the 2010 slate and the pebble, well it looks like cobblestone

    fixing few of these materials will make everybody happy hopefully because this is a really big improvement and I’m looking forward to play with these materials in-game not only in studio and see what others are able to do with them. this is a big step took into Roblox’ future, so it should be done correctly. probably adding a feature to keep the old materials on the platform for few more weeks after it fully releases would be great to help and give time to a lot of other developers to replace the materials in their games without hurrying them.

for everybody that keeps complaining, remember we also cried for the 2010 materials when new ones released in mid 2013-2014, and now you got used to them, so take a breath and accept the new materials that have to come and welcome them same way you did with the 2013 ones.

if you wanna keep the old materials just get a script that replaces your materials with a texture, and save the old textures in a folder to use them when they are removed.

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Old granite was nearly useless. It just looked terrible. The new granite was better when I tested it in February, try and make it white.

Is anyone else going to talk about slate tiled bathrooms? It’s a victim of the exact same thing.

Roblox is a completely different place with a completely different vision to in 2013 - it has become an advanced development engine which has found its place and settled into it. The ROBLOX of 2013 was nothing more than a blocky game site which was trying to find its place - that place has been found and therefore we as developers deserve more functionality to work with. Removing the current materials completely violates the remit of powering imagination.

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Ok, ok. I calmed down and I have a few questions.

Why a new art style for the materials? I’m sure alot of people can agree that this is a downgrade from the low quality textures we have been using for years. The grass looks like a stone like texture while slate looks like a weird shiny metal with scratches.

Why not recreate the classic old textures almost every roblox game was built after? Why not make them a high quality HD instead of the low blury versions we have ingame now? You guys want to come out as a PROFESSIONAL GAME PLATFORM. Major game platforms wouldn’t make major changes like this without a way for developers to atleast revert/undo these changes. Please if you really want to release these texture so badly allow developers to use the old one still. Do not remove them and force people to use bad downgraded versions.

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It’s not easy. Myself and FracturedOreo have tried many methods, such as image inversion, materialize, online pbr map, plugging it straight in generators etc. and none worked.

Thanks roblox! Very good update, keep it up!


This isn’t 2013. We are in 2021, and the climate of Roblox development has drastically changed.
These materials are more established for developers, having known them for years at this point. There are a lot more games in 2021 than 2013, and there are many developers to this day that make bank off of Roblox. Developing on Roblox isn’t just a neat little side hobby for people like it was in 2013, for some it’s their living. You cannot simply just brush off all of the complaints and tell us all to “get used to it”. What makes you think that I’ll ever get used to the abominations my games will be turned into?

I’d also like to point out that textures are not a suitable replacements for materials. They lack metal, roughness, and normal maps, making them incapable of any depth whatsoever. We, developers, shouldn’t be forced to use such methods like this, just because of the whims of Roblox.


that’s exactly what I’m covering up, the granite looks brighter and can now be colored in much more colors, but the older granite had its own ‘magic’ because of the texture being so dark with few bright shapes on it. that shouldn’t go away completely because there isn’t gonna be any material doing same thing anymore, maybe just the cracked lava which honestly looks amazing.

Sorcus literally said they’re going to continue adding new materials, there’s no excuse to not include the old materials with this in mind.

Is the argument really going to boil down to ‘we can’t handle 10 more megabytes’? This is not the 80s, we’re not working on an Atari game.

Cracked lava and cobblestone both fit it to some extent. Marble can also help as well. Try all 3 and see which fits the best.


Please refer to this:

I understand it, but unfortunately there’s a small issue that’s not to do with Roblox at all.

custom materials are coming out some time after this, so you can just re-create them its not hard if you have knowledge into roblox game developing. i’m very much aware that textures are not like materials and there is no pbr for textures and probably won’t be for a long time, but custom materials are coming out. also the new materials look really good, there is absolutely no reason to call them an ‘abomination’.

I’ve got an easy solution! Instead of considering the old and new materials as two separate sets, just consider the new ones as an expanded library including the old and new ones, like we were always promised. Expanding the available materials in no way requires removing and obliterating the old materials just because a few employees decided they dont like them anymore. I see no reason why the old materials cant just be set as legacy materials, or even just giving the new materials new names.

We built things to look a certain way, theres no need to wantonly go changing how everyone’s builds look with paper-thin justification.