New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

Finally someone agrees with me!

This is what I was trying to say in another post, but anonymous didn’t understand or said roblox doesn’t have to be in a certain style, but I wasn’t talking about that. I was talking about the materials style and how it’d affect games.


An example of this is the sand material, it looks deeper and has these weird white specs which roblox was probably trying to make that look like pebbles / rocks. With this new material, we cannot make beds, clothing, chalk boards or really anything with accomplishing the same style we expected. Now it’s different, and roblox is rolling this out optional or not, we need to be heard.


Sorry for not explaining it right, I just think the materials are too different to be replacing the current ones, that’s all.

pretty sure this only affects the textures

Yes finally! I won’t have to rely on textures as often as I use to.

At this point you can tell roblox doesn’t give a single thing about opinions.

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I really don’t think they ever have. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are literally just trying to appeal to stockholders at the expense of their community.


this method is very resource-intensive and doesn’t have pbr support.
(also didn’t realize how old this reply is)

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Then perhaps instead of bundling the old materials with the game file, they could be part of a separate download that would automatically download when a player joins a game that uses the old materials. That way, the materials wouldn’t be a part of the regular Roblox app updates. The materials would only be downloaded the first time a player joins a game that uses the old materials. Eventually, most games will use the new materials so many players would never have this pack downloaded at all.

I don’t have a good understanding of how updates or downloading assets like this works, so I could be wrong. Just an idea though.

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Legacy Texture Archive

I’ve made an archive of the old textures because of Roblox’s undying hunger for realism…
and blatant negligence to every developer who is sane and believes that replacing old textures is a bad idea.

The purpose of having built in textures is to provide an easy way to add color and immersion to an environment with little effort or finding or creating textures to color an environment. These textures are indeed an upgrade, and most look significantly better in my opinion (except for brick and a few others).

Where the problem arises is that Roblox plans to replace old materials which can completely ruin the desired feel of an environment by using textures in creative ways that they were not originally intended for. (An example being using grass as carpet or a rug.) This is a complete slap in the face to developers, seeing that EVERY game uses built in textures, so it’s bound to affect everyone in some form or another. Old games especially take the biggest hit of all, because this update is going to ruin the nostalgic aesthetic that many people appreciate.

Following this is Roblox’s refusal to change the direction of this update from replacing textures, to adding them as their own seperate textures, which implies that Roblox decides what’s best for the community, and not the community itself. This feels like Roblox has just completely blocked out any input from the community, despite the fact that the community makes Roblox what it is now.

With that said, here’s the link to the archive. I made this so we can preserve the old textures until we find a way to convert the .dds files into standard PBR maps (Normal, Metalness, and Roughness).

They currently look like this:

The fact that I had to do this rather than Roblox simply adding these materials as their own separate textures is unbelievable. It’s sad to see Roblox completely neglect developers, ruin builds, and block out any type of input regarding this update.



Special thanks to @BravenwolfTFS for reminding me to archive the Legacy Terrain Textures as well.


.dds files can be opened and converted with Paint.NET

I know, that’s how I was able to view them. What I meant by ‘convert’ is turn them into a standard usable PBR maps. The maps are very different compared to the ones that the SurfaceAppearance asset uses.

I am not really understanding why the old materials need to be so drastically changed. Cant you clean them up and make them compatible with the new lighting while still keeping their look?

I realize things must always improve and change, but this is really gonna hurt.

Surely there is some way to make the new materials more closely match the old ones. Games that need flat looking grass, and such, can import their own textures. Why force such a drastic visual change on the rest of us?


Remember the terrain textures, too.

Thank you for the backup.


This does have a purpose, you don’t see it obviously. The current materials is fine as is and if you like them so much you can just make them textures and use them that way, but materials have been needing an update since 2019 in my opinion.

“Hello, Roblox! Why did you decide to change the materials for everyone this June 2nd, 2021?”

“I like money!”


Dear People of Roblox,
Investors, Investors investor, and most importantly investors


Thank you so much!!! This might help out LOTS of developers unhappy by this change!

Do you honestly think people are going to want to apply textures to every single part in their game?

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Stocks, stocks and even more stocks.


“If it’s not broken don’t fix it”
This rule should of applied to a vast majority of materials, as they simply were not broken and fine in their current state.
The community would of welcomed new materials with open arms with no backlash. But in your attempt to “improve” current materials you ended up completely redoing the older ones changing the style in an immense way,ultimately breaking a ton of builds to do so. (Also terrain coloration would of been accepted extremely well)

Along with that you’ve changed the overall roughness and style of a ton of materials. Everything now looks similar to “gelatin” as @M_caw has pointed out.

Now notably a lot of devs are complaining when their style isn’t actually that effected. However for games that need roughness in order to look detailed, this really is a game breaker.

Along with that WTF is going on with sand, it’s like, a bagilion more times rougher then everything else, tone that shit down and keep your style consisten god daym

(also my computers security program decided that part of this update was a virus and removed it and honestly good on it.)