New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

They care more about investors and their wallets.


This makes me feel sad for the team working on the tools, they work so hard to get community feedback and then these guys just go and ruin all that leaving roblox worse off.

@mrkbx This seams to be more to do with the team working on it and their style of development then investors

eh i dont know man i think they all know what they’re doing and the whole feedback gathering is just an act to keep us in the “oh they’re listening to us” illusion

I’m pretty sure this whole update is to make roblox look more realistic and more appealing to more people, therefore increasing profits for the company. When you get down to it every feature they add is related to profits, therefore this update is shoved down our throats with no concern for our opinions

Exactly what I’m saying. The backlash they’re getting right now is literally just proof that it was a dud to keep us busy.


The team working on roblox tools actually does take feed back and crtisism, I know from first hand experience when they changed the way CRTL dragging parts effects how they grow. Me and another dude said that when we press crtl and the part snaped to it’s origional position looked janky, @tnavarts replied and in the next update it was fixed.

This team seams to only look at the big shot developers and generally doesn’t take feedback.

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So far, most of the complaints I’ve seen have been due to people using the wrong material for the job this whole time because they didn’t have any other options, but materials weren’t very accurate so it worked. However, now that the materials are being updated to look more accurate, they’re complaining because using the wrong material for the job doesn’t work anymore.

Yes, of course if you’re using sand for a bed it isn’t going to look right when sand actually looks like sand, BECAUSE BEDS AREN’T MADE OUT OF SAND.

That being said, I do have one complaint that’s been brought up by others in this thread, and that’s the tiling issues. Certain materials now have very noticeable tiling artifacts and that’s unacceptable. The materials look fantastic, but the tiling artifacts need to be addressed before release.


This here is true, fabric would generally be a better fit now. However sands extreme amount of depth and roughness is out of place in this update where everything else is getting smoothed out.



So, what’s your suggestion for a better material for sheets, then, hm?

I’ve gone through every material in the build and nothing looks good, I’m allll ears.


Is there a reason why we can’t keep both the new textures and the old textures at once? I see them both being useful instead of deleting the old ones completely and replacing them with the new ones. Though I don’t have any complains about this I like the more high quality textures, but I still see no reason for them to be replaced with new looks instead of more materials being added to the engine.


Not a fan of this, forcing I and potentially many others who work with more cartoony/simplified styles mixed with old materials to get slapped in the face with realistic/modern textures dedicated to an entirely different and specific style.

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I am beyond disappointed with this decision, this update is absolutely going to ruin the way a lot of ROBLOX games look. I seriously don’t understand why these new textures aren’t optional…


Not buying the excuse to not include an option for the old textures. Personally I wouldn’t care about the old textures going away if most the new ones didn’t just look worse. The new concrete has hardly noticeable detail, the grass looks like strand board to name a couple problems. I’m not surprised by the lack of care for concerned developers as I have seen this many, many times over the years, but this time I don’t even know who they’re trying to impress. This could have easily been a great update but as per usual they are screwing it up.


Wow there are a lot of angry people here haha.

I personally think it looks great and thanks for all your hard work over the last 6 months! Games may look a little different but I’m sure most people can update their games accordingly. It may seem like a bad move in the short term but over the long term it makes a lot of sense.

Look forward to trying them out and I’m even more excited for the new materials being added to Roblox, hopefully very soon!


supposedly “size concerns”, and that the new and old assets combined will be too large
i would quote the response but i can’t find it right now

My guy watch out. You’re going to get destroyed by the people who hate this update. :pleading_face:



Did we have a choice? Did we have an answer to the problem we’ve solved easily and went on with for a decade? No, we were forced to use sand because it was the best out of the list. This is the same issue as changing materials to stuff they shouldn’t be. Nobody is going to sit around and spend a week fixing their materials when the current ones work fine. The new materials aren’t all bad and would work as entirely new ones, not replacements.


You should totally scroll up and see the examples, if you’re so sure. I’d love to see what great alternatives to sand you have in mind with the new materials we’ve been given.


Actually, now that I’ve inspected the materials even closer, grass looks horrendous, and so does the Slate and Fabric material. This doesn’t make the biggest difference for my games, but judging by what I’ve seen from previous builds, it looks more like a downgrade to a LOT of builds, and now I see why everybody doesn’t like the forced change.


This update is pure garbage, so I don’t see a problem.


This isn’t the usual, look at all the stuff the tool team has done, in general they’ve only gone to make improvements. People only complained because “boo hoo old roblox look gone” but the entire update itself was genuinely good.
We are all biased to look at the bad things making everything roblox does seam like a screw up when it really isn’t. However this, this is a major mess up.