New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

what about how tpt2 does it?
they have a classic path section and a modern one

roblox could just rename a texture to wood(classic) or smth

this might not be a good idea just a suggestion

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You gotta download the beta build.

Go here, and download the zip file. Extract, it and double click this file.

When you use this version, the new materials should be there.

Ok thank you!!!

They literally can (and should) be doing this, they just refuse to because of mobile user download time. That’s literally the only stretched out justification we have for this forced change.


Actually, iirc they did hint at it not being optional in the past posts, but at least we had hope they’d listen to feedback and change their mind.

It just seems obvious to about anyone that having a choice would’ve made everyone happy.

Thank you for letting me know. I almost missed that.

Roblox is inflicting a totally new art style and art direction onto us just for the sake of mobile…?

Please. I would much rather have longer loading times and being FORCED to totally overhaul our art style for barely improve materials, an opinion it seems most people here are sharing and voicing…

but I guess it’s standard for feedback to just be ignored in favor of the bottom line or some vague chart with goals for roblox to head towards.

Roblox is not even offering a opt-into feature or even a means of convenient download/replacer. Just give us either of these options, please. Would solve a lot of issues this update creates.


Maybe there should something like package manager where you can select what you want, so unused stuff won’t be saved into .rbxl file.

I noticed a weird behaviour with the new foil material. It seems to get darker when far away from it. Something the other materials don’t do.

Here’s a video demonstrating the behaviour. (The selected part has the foil material while the others don’t)


Wow this is just flat out awful. It’s like the pictures they chose to display the materials was to mislead you into thinking it’s good.


I hate this update. It will add more lag.

Actually tried to do this. Not possible since the old ones don’t use the same PBR type mapping.


…You are joking, right? Nobody can actually download the old ones for proper usage.

Oh you can’t. oof. :grimacing: :anguished:

technically you could. But that would mean manually downloading the old textures, making every single part smooth plastic, and applying them with texture objects.

That’s 6 objects per part. You multiply the amount of things to load by SEVEN.


This is completely unacceptable. If there is no option to use old materials then this update should not be released at all. There are numerous issues that have been raised with these new materials that have not been addressed in the slightest, and to force such a change on people, who in some case have created builds that rely entirely on the materials they were designed for, is absolutely intolerable. Either this update needs to be completely reworked to better ensure compatibility with older building styles, or the option to choose which material set to use needs to be included.

Forcing the change is the worst possible decision you could have made, and quite frankly discarding the update as a whole would be preferable to this. Extremely disappointed at this apparent apathy toward the large majority of developers and their concerns.


New materials, i’m interested, i might have more ideas with this thing, i just hope this doesn’t replaced the old materials, since they’re also good

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The sand doesn’t look good at all, it definitely is a very obvious repeating pattern

From what Roblox is saying, these are replacing the old materials, and the majority of developers do not agree with this change in the slightest, as do I.


Hi! Love the new materials and we’re excited to get them into Jailbreak. Our game should be fully prepared. I had spent a little bit of time changing existing materials and adjusting colors ahead of time. We have a few materials that need to be swapped out once the flag is flipped but I have a script prepared to do that all automatically.

It should seriously take us a few minutes to move Jailbreak over to these new materials. We very much look forward to this releasing!

I personally think it is best we move on from the old materials. It’s better for varying performance reasons and we have the ability to upload our own materials nowadays. An overwhelming selection of starter materials is just that, overwhelming. Just my two cents. I know many disagree. Either way, we’re ready for this exciting change.