New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

That’s the thing. This never made sense, and it never will now. This is what made some of the older textures inferior, they were too versatile for things like this. Hopefully the material selection expansion will provide us with newer things to choose from :pray:

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How can a material be “too versatile”? The whole point of materials being versatile is to give developers options and creative freedom over their experiences. Taking away creative freedom is the first step towards a dictatorship.


I just don’t see the reason for forcing this on us.
Are you worried that having both legacy and new textures being loaded will take longer load times?
Well then why can’t you have a toggle in workspace called “legacy materials” so you can choose either legacy or new to be loaded in.

Games should not be forced to completely overhaul their style for no reason except that marketplace content will look different, if that is truly the only reason, then remind yourself that the marketplace is not important as every game on roblox.

This might just completely ruin roblox’s style forever and I imagine that many games will just be left in the dust with trash looking models because of this.
Please just look at the feedback instead of pretending this is a change for the better.

I sincerely hope this is a 2 month late april fools joke.


I know about Materialize, but I want a 1:1 recreation of these materials, and Materialize would probably just be a waste of effort. The PBR maps used for Roblox textures are much different have have LoD to deal with, which we would either have to find a simple work around or a possibly complex solution. Resources are already provided for us, we just need to figure out a way to successfully convert and implement them into Roblox so they can continue to be used.

Do you even understand how expensive that would be… And for 200,000 parts at that…

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This doesn’t change the fact that both the overall aesthetic and art style of my game are now completely ruined thanks to this update. The pebble material is too realistic and doesn’t fit the rest of the tracks, the grass resembles its terrain-based counterpart, which contributes to this problem, and the rocks no longer look like rocks, but instead grey Play-Doh.

And don’t even get me started on how much this destroyed my trains. The brightness of the diamond plate material has been amped up, which makes vents and other details look horrific.



In this instance, it looks as if someone filled up all of our railcars with expired milk.

The interior of this monorail coach now resembles a daycare.

Thanks to the updates for other materials, the interior of our version of Snowpiercer has been ruined. The glass in the engine room looks like its been stored in a freezer for several months, and the floor overall looks really dirty.

Same with the first class lounge, everything looks like its been stuck in a freezer.

Do I even need to explain how god awful the aquarium car now looks?

The tail cars are much lighter in color than before, which is not how they’re supposed to be. This section of the train represents the lowest of the low in the social class structure, which is indicated by how bad the conditions are and how dark the color is. Keep in mind that this was done to stay true to the TV series itself, there are no social classes in Global Rails.

Here you can see how the aesthetic of this train was ruined because of the changes made to diamond plate and glass.

I know for a fact that I’m going to hear about how you can just apply textures to the parts or export them as meshes, but let me ask you this. Do you seriously think I want to apply textures to over 180,000 instances of the map and then even more textures to the hundreds of locomotives and railcars that we have? Do you think I want to export meshes of all default parts and be forced to rebuild almost everything in the entire game? No, of course not, and I don’t know a single person that would enjoy spending several months doing something like that. Considering that me and my team have been working on this game for almost a year, and now we’re undergoing a complete map overhaul, this method is not exactly a viable option.

The reason the old materials worked is because they were versatile, for example, I could use sand as a modern fabric or snow, I could use pebble to make dirt paths, I could use ice to make windows that don’t cause distortion, I could use grass to make leaves on a tree, and guess what, it worked just fine. These new materials only have one use, and the fact that some of them don’t even have the same style as other ones makes this situation much worse.


Materials are supposed to fulfill one particular purpose, not multiple. Believe it, or not, but the upcoming expansion is exactly attempting to fill the gap, which is the lack of a wider selection of materials; the team is even looking for suggestions…

So to increase the selection of materials they delete all of the legacy materials? Makes sense


Here you go again, assuming things based on surface-level information. It wouldn’t take 2 minutes to either ask a question or just do research yourself. We can’t use old materials. The PBR maps are different, have LoD, and look like this:

Do some research or ask around to avoid the possibility of misinforming others.

Sounds very biased and ignorant to what’s actually going to happen to every game on the platform.


They’re not removing any materials.

I swear, this is probably going to cause more games to be delayed indefinitely. In order to use custom materials or to improve the design to work with them.

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Did you read the original post?

Mine is definitely going to be delayed yeah. I was building a massive map, and there are over 84k parts to replace without any guarantee of finding a good substitute to the old materials. And don’t get me started on terrain, I have no clue how to salvage it.

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You should look for the word “remove”.

And this is one of the fundamental flaws with these new materials. They lack versatility. They cannot fill the gaps left by the lack of the old materials, and adjusting where and how and what materials and colors were used doesn’t cut it for some builds. There are some cases where these materials are just incompatible with the style of a build, whereas the old materials could be used for a variety of styles and purposes. When you make materials only useful in specific situations, you are limiting peoples’ ability to create what they want, not expanding upon it.


“replace” meaning you can’t use the legacy materials

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I have a game in development, and with the new materials I really do anticipate delays with it now.

Then learn to adapt to new things. It will pay off.

Telling people to “suck it up” and “get used to it” gets you nowhere. Imagine logging onto Roblox on July 7th, unaware of what has just happened, and you load up a game you were about to release - oh wait, you can’t, because Roblox has completely f**ked up your game’s visual style. The people I feel the most sorry for are those outside of this forum who will be completely unaware of what is about to happen.


Starting to question if you have any building experience there to speak on the matter. Roblox has always had materials that didn’t look like one and only one thing, in order to be able to repurpose it easily.

For instance, pebbles is just the dotted material, rock is good for most rough surfaces. Now we have neither a dotted or a rough material at all since they’re so realistic they can’t be confused anymore.

Plus to adapt, one would have to go over every single part of his game, many having well over 50k parts to go through, with no guarantee the actually is a good replacement. My game for instance has 84k. And I didn’t even mention the terrain which is even less flexible and open to freedom of interpretation.

Last but not least, a lot of games aren’t actively updated anymore, some being deemed complete, some just abandoned. Some might just not have the time or will to go through such a massive task. All those games will just have their looks ruined and didn’t ask for anything.

But sure, everyone should suck it up because you can’t be bothered, and Roblox said it’s good so let’s never question it. So easy.