New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

I agree. All the fans of Flee the Facility complain about him never updating, and a lot of FTF players have quit recently.

Also, a “skill issue” is when someone is not good enough at a particular skill. For example, if 29/30 people in a class find a math test easy, and the one person struggled on working out 5+3, that’s a skill issue.

Finally, HKIA is short for Hong Kong International Airport.

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This update DOES have backlash. They even put out a survey asking for feedback, and they didn’t add a toggle or anything. This is, to an extent, an insult to developers.


I guess we’ll have to wait and see if the backlash is enough then.


Really really disappointed with all these negative comments.
Read the post first before typing up a bunch of negative stuff for no reason.

Going to probably get a ton of negative replies for the following message, but…
Roblox worked really hard to bring this out to us, for anyone that didn’t care enough to read but they cared to put negative reviews. ROBLOX HEARD you, and now are replying to you with, that instead of keeping the old materials, they fixed up a bunch of stuff you requested them and… NEW materials will be dropping constantly but, first, they need to transition all the old materials to their new style they are going for, It’s obvious here that Roblox is reaching for better graphics, and based on the main post they included that all these textures are all inspired by real-world observations.

Instead of leaving negative reviews… download the file and get working, try the new materials, play around with them. They also said that when they drop these to the public version of Roblox Studio, they’ll also give you time to optimize your game and such, so it’ll be a BETA feature once it’s released to a public version of Roblox Studio.

I already know the number of negative replies I’m about to receive, but I had to do this. Take some time and actually try making your game look better. You don’t like the materials? PBR exists, use that, and if you can’t use that then use your creativity and come up with something.

On the other note, thanks Roblox! Really loving these new materials, they look insanely amazing!!
Take a look!

When these materials were first dropped, I was not as happy to be honest, knowing that I have to go through many more materials to optimize my map. Here’s what I did… I spent an entire week studying them, I redid my entire map 3 times in 2 weeks and by the time I got to 4, I was happy more than ever. These new materials are the future of Roblox and many more to come! :purple_heart:

Please respect that they’ve worked hard on bringing these for us, and they change them up and listen to our feedback constantly! Give it a try, and study them right instead of demotivating yourself, that way of course you won’t like it because you won’t give it a chance. Give it a chance and I’m sure you’ll be happy eventually! :slightly_smiling_face: Love the community and you guys, I’m not doing this to go against the negative reviews, I hear you and so does Roblox, but sometimes things can’t just go the way you want.


The materials themselves are great, only if they are used for what they’re meant for, or few having multiple use cases. Yeah, I can replace it with some other material that looks similar. It still would compromise on what I originally wanted. These materials really only help people who like to do super realistic builds, not anybody else. A majority of the most popular games use some stylized form of building, not realism. It’s just making it harder on the majority of developers who use the old materials to get a certain style. The best way to fix this that I can think of is to just keep the old ones along with the new ones. Instead of limiting our choices, give us more.


Not all of them have lost their style, but in all fairness, most have lost at least some aspects of their style.

I think that slate has gone from a very useful material for all rough items to a useless button in the Roblox materials tab.
However, glass, plastic, smoothplastic, metal, and to an extent concrete have pretty much kept or improved in their usage.
Wood is just different, and woodplanks is actually a good material now. Old woodplanks is so far from anything I’ve ever seen.

EDIT: nice I noticed I’m the 800th post


At this point the phrase “we’re providing you a new way to [INSERT ANYTHING HERE]” is just not even true at this point. This isn’t taking things to the next level, nor is it making Roblox look more modern, professional, or whatever they’re going for. This is literally just telling people to switch over to a completely different style without warning, and they’re probably not gonna even gonna like it anyway.

I appreciate the fact that they’re adding these materials, but there really is no point in replacing the old ones completely. Heck, the fact that some of the newer textures have flaws of their own really just ruins this situation even more.

I’m also not happy about these “oh, just edit each part of your map you don’t feel has the right material/appearance” excuses. I don’t think anyone has the willpower to go back and change every single aspect that’s off to them in their maps/game builds, let alone simple ones. Just like the surface tool, there could’ve at least been a legacy option to keep it, or it could just coexist with the new materials.

A lot of people still want to use the old materials. It’s not wrong to still like them or prefer using them, so I don’t get any of the backlash that anyone else is receiving just for wanting to still use the older materials. Clearing them all just isn’t the way to go.


The materials look fine for what they were made for. The problem is the old materials had a variety of uses besides just being “sand” or “brick”. I used these materials for a variety of things, but these new materials don’t have the same style that allows them to be used as such. I simply wouldn’t mind the option to use the old/current materials.

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More like you are not cooperating to study these new materials, Just give it a chance! I’m sure you’ll be happy with the final results!

They gave you more materials than before, now you have many options and so many cool stuff to build with, old slate, use rock now. Try to use your creativity.

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However, it’s also worth remembering that textures have terrible performance. SurfaceAppearance is even worse, but not usable until we turn the normal maps to standard purple ones.

The slogan of Roblox is “Powering Imagination”.

What do you think that means?

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Have you ever seen the things people make using the SurfaceAppearance feature/object? You need to look more out there, do some research because that’s false. All you need is good lighting to make anything you make look more pleasing!


I don’t think you understand the point I’m making. I’m not saying that the new Roblox materials are comprised of different maps. I’m saying that the old Roblox materials were not authored with PBR rendering in mind, and the new ones were.

It’s objectively true that PBR rendering in games introduced big changes to how textures were made. With PBR, the purposes of each map relate directly to their physical properties:

  • Albedo is the color and only the color of the material
  • Normal and roughness maps both show the height of the material (apart from situations where normal maps also correct the curvature of an object). Roughness maps account for height details on too small a scale to be represented by a normal map (microsurface details), and each pixel on a roughness map is like an averaging out of very small height details.
  • Metalness map or specular color represent if the material is dielectric or conductive

The new materials introduced by Roblox adhere to these standards, as do virtually all new materials being created today (since PBR is the standard). The old materials did not. The color maps included highlights or shadows, in some cases, very dark shadows (grass). This made the materials look static and less grounded in their environment when using PBR. Roughness maps often didn’t really adhere to what the roughness of the actual material would be; for example, the old cobblestone was oddly glossy while the new one has a properly high roughness value for what stone should look like. You can even see right in your screenshot; the ground material right next to the mud has these blown out highlights in the “Old” screenshot and the ground in the “New” screenshot has shadows which correspond to the overall lighting.

The mud is literally another example of how Roblox’s new materials fit the PBR renderer better; the mud… looks like mud? I don’t see how you could think the old screenshot’s mud looks more like mud than the new mud (wow I am saying mud alot). Mud is a mix of water and dirt, and the new one’s roughness reflects that; it is more glossy and less uniform, with some especially low roughness spots for veins of water. The new one also has great height which simulates clumping.

I’ll also note: Roblox’s rendering is limited in that areas of shadow will look uniform with the new textures, because the normal maps which are more heavily relied on now will not be lit in shadow. However, I assume that Roblox’s rendering will continue to improve over time, and these new materials are future-proof. Some more detail was added back into the albedo maps for this reason, during the community feedback period.

I also won’t claim they’re absolutely perfect, either: some materials tile especially obviously, or may have slightly clashing styles. But it’s a huge improvement over the previous materials, and besides, with custom materials coming at some point in the future, any specific issues can be remedied with that.


Lighting greatly contributes to how a game looks, but it isn’t everything.

I’m in between of liking these new materials and not liking them, but it’s been expressed literally hundreds of times in both threads combined that there’s no need to echo it even more. A compatibility option would be nice just like for the lighting technology, but I guess we won’t be getting that either way.

Aside from that, reading through these replies have been glorious and even somewhat funny lol. Can’t please everyone unfortunately. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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We’ve been trying though…

I’ve tried and I can’t find any substitute materials for any of my character models. Remodelling them isn’t going to do anything if I can’t find appropriate materials for the clothing. I could remake the jacket, but it’d look equally as bad as the current jacket thanks to the new sand material.

I agree that some builds can be converted if toyed around with, but the problem is there’s still a lack of versatility or proper substitutes.

Also, this was incredibly uncalled for. Nobody should be called “lazy” for having to fix something that wasn’t broken before.


For sure! The model and the look of itself matters, just use your creativity and have good lighting. Give it one more time and try it again. I studied these materials for a week… I kid you not, I redid my map 3 times in 2 weeks, by the time I got 4 I was extremely happy with the results!

I’m sorry, that is just honestly rude. It’s not wrong for people to still prefer using the old materials, so calling them lazy won’t justify anything.


They called Roblox lazy but ‘they’ didn’t look at the fact that they can’t keep the old materials for many good reasons, one being download times and such. Many reasons behind this by the way. I understand I went a little “harsh” on the dude. But like you gotta study something and keep practicing to get the results you want.

Also, nothing is broken, they just chose to not keep it for reasons. That are a benefit to us Developers.