New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

Despite all the negativity towards this update, I’m going to say something that you all should realise, but you all hate as well.

Life is about adapting to change.

Yes, it’s good to call out bad issues. For example, BLM, suffragettes etc.
However, at the end of the day, those groups did force change on society. So, life really is about adapting to new changes.


This really needs some improvements, this update will ruin my game and make it even worse to see stuff like outlines.
There needs to be a way to opt out of this update.

I am currently having issues with fabric, diamond plate, metal, plastic, concrete, slate and grass materials.

Diamond plate just looks too smooth from far away. Its comparable to smooth plastic from a distance.

Slate just looks like molten plastic with holes inside of it.
Fabric looks like bricks and not even like fabric at all.

Concrete looks amazing the further way from the middle, but you can clearly see the texture repeating constantly and it frustrates me.

Grass literally looks like a haybale to me.


When will the custom textures launch?

Wasn’t this material change going to go live first before we even get a change of using custom materials?

We need an alternative when something gets removed, otherwise it will cause issues.

Is the intention that we’re meant to be able to mix terrain parts with the new materials on regular parts? If so, this is not the case with what has shipped in the beta RC.

On the left - grass part.
On the right - terrain.

Same RGB values.

This would be really nice to get fixed. Would also be nice to have it fixed for surface appearance diffuse colors too, while you’re at it :slight_smile:



What does the developer forum exist for?

It exists so that we developers can have our voices heard by Roblox.

Furthermore, textures are not an apt replacement of materials. They do not possess normal, roughness, and metal maps. They are just a flat, boring, image. We should not have to resort to such a method.


Yes, let’s use textures; reflectance can’t be edited, they don’t react to light properly unlike materials, what else?


I use metal for darkening colors, it makes it easier than going into the slider and moving it down every time since the UX there would be horrific.

I now have to go through and manually darken every metal part in my game. (its a sci-fi game. go figure). It’s going to take a long time, and I’d much rather be spending it on updates.

I’d be happy to compromise if we were able to add custom colors into the color wheel, it’d make my life so much easier.

As for the textures themselves… they look more like plastic to me. Having a sci-fi game with the new diamond plate texture is… not great. It’s lost the metallic feel to it when future lighting isn’t enabled.
I’d use future, but the performance impacts are too great.

Custom materials would solve this easily. I’d just start uploading my own metal textures, fabric textures etc.

Very mixed opinions here. I love the idea, but the execution is terrible. I get that you can’t have both for the sake of download time but please, if you’re going to force this on us, look into optimising future a bit so the materials dont look flat, or pushing custom materials faster.

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Although this is a solution, SurfaceAppearance is not tileable yet. It would be great if I didn’t have to upload to many textures for PBR.

The math:

Let’s assume I want every possible combination of a certain material for PBR. So a SurfaceAppearance instance has 4 parameters we need, color normal metal and roughness maps.

We have 0-255 for R,G and B, so 256^3 = 16,777,216 colors.

Then, we have size. Each material tiles up to 8x8 studs, from a minimum of 0.05, going up in increments of 0.001. This gives us 7951 possibilities for length OR width, so 63,218,401 total area parameters.

In total, to fully preserve just ONE material, I’d upload about 4.24251508*10^15 textures. Damn!

First off, don’t be rude. This is Devforum, not a flamewar zone.

Secondly, I’m not whining at all. I simply stated why textures aren’t close to materials at all.

I recommend @XAXA’s plugin Part Picker

I’ve suggested this before, in a QoL update thread. I got a few likes, but idk if Roblox read it.

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Just to clarify, since I’m not sure if I worded myself correctly, but I agree. Old sand > new sand.

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New sand honestly does look nice, but isn’t really as versatile as old sand.

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I understand they exist and I’ve utilised them very well, however they’re not tileable or color-changeable. We’ll have to wait, but for now it’s seriously inconvenient.

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OK, im sorry, but please answer, what problem are you guys solving? Most of these replies are people saying they don’t like the update, full stop, no, “what you should do is” or"it would be better if". Also, most of these replies are saying the exact same thing over and over, “I don’t like it, I now have to replace every material in my game” fair enough, but how is that helping the discussion or anything in general, to me it sounds like complaining for complaining sake.

This is what I think for a lot of these new materials.
I like them more (for the most part, what even is diamond plate anymore, plastic?) however the range of uses they had is gone. I can’t see the new grass being used as foliage now.


Hey @tnavarts, a technical question if you don’t mind - the previous material textures smoothly transitioned from smaller to bigger, i.e upscaled variants of the same texture the further the camera got away from the target object. A recurring issue I see is that people are complaining about texture tiling here, and I believe the issue stems from the lack of texture-resize-transition (no idea what the proper name would be). Is this removal intentional or a bug?

EDIT: Put this on the material beta github as an issue.

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Especially with wood planks, the texture itself isn’t scaled/looped properly (people discovered it was around 0.8 studs), leading to some weird results when using it.

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last ditch attempt to have Roblox add some other features (custom materials, custom colors in the color wheel) etc to compensate for the sudden and drastic change to all materials, with no option to opt in or out.

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Correct. It was exactly 0.8 studs (8/10 = 0.8), so people expecting 1 plank on a stud-wide strip don’t get it.

However, it’s fixed now, so enjoy your day. w

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