The person he was replying to was not giving constructive criticism. He was sarcastically saying that the new materials look like someone took a brush in paint net and just slapped it together. He even quoted the in love part.
Last I was online, overexaggerated sarcasm is not constructive criticism. Constructive criticism is when you do not target nor insult the creator or their work; which they did.
I feel the need to completely refute this claim - yes, graphical settings are important - however, on games with lighting that would be considered “standard” by most of the platform, it looks like textured plastic, on ALL quality levels.
It simply isn’t good enough.
It is simply not reasonable to expect people to design their places a particular way just to be able to have a material look any good.
This particular problem of losing significant amounts of detail without image-based lighting enabled is specific to the new DiamondPlate ONLY and should be fixed.
This is NOT caused by having higher/lower graphics settings, and should not, and cannot, be treated as such.
EDIT: For comparisons sake, here’s the old DiamondPlate with the same settings enabled and disabled. A far more consistent result:
Could you please elaborate on what image-based lighting is and how it is enabled/disabled? Do you mean the EnvironmentDiffuseScale/EnvironmentSpecularScale properties?
Image-based lighting was introduced with FiB Phase 2.5 involving using the environment map (skybox) as a source of lighting information. These are the properties used to control IBL intensity.
So that is what you were referring to, thanks.
I understand the backstory, I was just wondering what you were referring to by IBL. The more you know.
fabric looks like it’s been soaked in water for days.
ram is not the only issue. you are ignoring cpu lag
It’s the developer’s responsibility to know what good lighting is. Crank up both environment scales and boom.
I agree, a fix is easy. Roblox can just make it more metallic to fix the issue entirely.
By graphics settings I meant QualityLevel/graphics slider.
The point is that you shouldn’t have to do this to actually leverage a material - none of the other materials, new and old, lose this significant an amount of detail by disabling the setting.
Other than the “dents” being smaller and the colour balance being slightly off (I did try to tweak the 2013 lighting to match more), there isn’t that big a difference between the original version of the material and the new one.
This loss of detail isn’t the fault of the developer and cannot be treated as such.
Clearly, you didn’t read the post PysephDEV was replying to.
There is no constructive criticism whatsoever. There’s no indication on what to improve or how to improve it. He’s blatantly insulting the people behind this update.
The same thing could also be said for Devonagi, but you decide not to tell him that why? Also watch your mouth.
I don’t think it’s that affected by the graphics level. All new materials do look like plastic with a texture on low graphics, an issue that should be addressed.
Also the 2013 diamond plate is a pain to look at, glad I didn’t grow up with that.
now that I look at the old material, I’m starting to see a couple of bothersome new issues with the new diamondplate, with the design itself. Most of the reason why I said what I said in that quote is because all of my projects have EnvironmentSpecularScale racked up to 1, and I use a custom skybox with it. I also never really use the diamondplate material on enough places to know whether if it looks right or wrong.
I think two reasons for why the new diamondplate texture sucks is because:
- the metallic and roughness maps are focused across ALL of the texture, rather than focusing metallic on just the diamondplate pieces, and leaving the plate below it roughened.
- even though i liked the new texture because it was a much higher quality texture, the diamondplate pieces look WAY too thick, and way too close to each other.
I highly disagree with this. Diamond plate in general is reflective and not just certain parts are. Metal is reflective and it’s made out of the same material. So it makes no sense to have only the little things uptop to be reflective. Actual diamond plate has the entire thing reflective, not certain parts.
That wont work. Specular and diffuse scale is why you’re able to see a reflection on materials.
I disagree. So what if it looks worse on lower settings? It’s not ment to look good in lower settings, because they’re lower settings. You shouldn’t expect anything to have the same quality as it does on higher settings and look similar to lower settings, or try to retain it on lower settings. My apologies if I come off as rude, that is not my intention.
That doesn’t explain why DiamondPlate loses such a significant amount of detail with IBL disabled when no other material, old or new, suffers the same way. They can look different, but they aren’t supposed to lose this much detail.
I highly doubt it does, since the same ColorMap is being used throughout. Some textures give that impression though. For example, FracturedOreo thought that the old slate was 4K when it was only 1K since it was so well done.
Holy cow! If Roblox still insists on force updating, we at least have a solution. Could you publish this as a community resource please? Even then, lots of people want these in Blender.
Because the relfections is what makes it look good. Look at metal, without ibl its not nearly as nice
IBL off:
IBL on:
The metal material now looks super good with it on. Without it, it’s pretty bad. The new diamond plate doesnt look good with it off because it was designed with IBL being turned on in mind so you can actually see how roblox intended to show the material. The old one had the detail baked into the color map because Roblox didn’t have IBL at the time so they couldn’t do this.
Well its because it was being tiled quite a bit which made it look like it was 4k since it wasn’t taking a lot of space. When you have a 1k image on a big object, it would look pixelated. But if you have that image and make it repeat it self in smaller squares, it wouldn’t look nearly as pixelated. Which is why it looks much more high res.
I want to know what the new material looks like on the lowest graphic settings because 80% of roblox players don’t have good enough devices to run the highest graphics so do they look bad on low or good?
They look like decals on smoothplastic on low. Then again, that’s always been the case.