New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

Realism usually appeals to older audiences, which isn’t ROBLOX’s thing, but… Yeah, it’s pretty good.

You chose to build on Roblox, so you’re going to have to deal with whatever they do.

some of these new materials are NOT it…


It seems like everyone supporting this change cherry-picks arguments to respond to, because this is a horrible change to force on everyone and everybody knows it


Aren’t those structures the same as the unreal engine material showcase???


Unreal Engine:


thanks, glad to know all of our dev opinions arent valued on the platform we are on


Roblox isn’t tied to any art style, nor should it ever be. The developers decide how their games look.


Yeah but you see even with this update the sand looks like I just entered adventure time in a nutshell it just is bad and the materials are needed like they are most the time. Because I have my first build since I am getting to a builder and it would look terrible luckily I still have normal materials.

I meant that older audiences wasn’t the main focus of ROBLOX, not that.

This is perhaps the worst counter-argument to anything I have heard ever. It doesn’t work like this.


I’m a little disappointed by this update, because many of the materials look extremely different from their old counterparts, and will cause the entire look of most games to change/be ruined. There are a few improvements, but there are also several downgrades.

Not everything about this update is bad, though. Some of these materials are fantastic, and I’m also really happy that the terrain-exclusive materials have been brought to parts.

Some problems I have found with these materials

Some of these materials look completely different on different graphics settings. Here is a comparison of them on graphics levels 1 and 21:

Slate loses all of its bumps:
image image

Metal, CorrodedMetal, DiamondPlate, and Foil get much darker/bluer:

Metal is “hairy” around sun reflections on higher graphics settings:

Cobblestone has a larger scale on 1 than it does on 21:

And then some materials look completely different than the old version and don’t have any decent replacement:


Cobblestone (terrain):



And a few more materials that look terrible in general:




Concrete is overly smooth on all graphics settings:


This is exactly what I was thinking. What should have happened is just rework the existing materials and give them some polish, instead of scrapping them almost entirely and starting over with something completely different.


THey ruined games before with Filtering Enabled it broke all games that were made before it unless they updated the game. But it had a purpose this one didnt


You could just keep the new materials under different names, honestly. Plus, I dont think anyone reasonable uses anything from the toolbox given how crappy the toolbox stuff is compared to just making your own stuff

Lets also point out how they made brick SOMEHOW even MORE unusable, it’s too clean and doesn’t have the same charm as the old bricks which were dense and worked VERY well in smaller instances.

Example: Before

Example: After

Everything is way too cartoony and flat, or extremely detailed and annoying, like sand. I’m so tired of these updates screwing over the devs because none of our feedback was listened to. I’m honestly considering jumping platforms, because I’m tired of my work being undermined by a team that appears to have no respect for their devs, the people who make money for their platform. Other platforms pay their devs better, and other platforms don’t make changes no one wanted. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.


I wasn’t even arguing in the first place. I was just stating my opinion.

I really hope that this reply is satire. There is a clear difference between using the materials incorrectly and being forced to update our existing builds because Roblox decided it would be a great idea to disregard any and all feedback by developers.


What a terrible day to have eyes


Yeah I guess I’m forced to go with the new material update, totally can’t have an opinion nor feedback. Yeah makes much sense, don’t know why they posted this to not get feedback. :man_shrugging:

Your posts make totally no sense whatsoever.


i have a feeling that roblox wants us to use voxel terrain and the 3d grass that it has
probably not true but that’s what popped into my head

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The lighting is actually quite different.

Keeping the old lighting around is mostly a cost that we can worry about internally, in having to maintain code for multiple different lighting solutions. Code barely takes any space compared to art assets: That entire extra lighting codepath might only take a couple MB of space in the executable.

Materials are different, because they have a large volume of art assets associated with them that make up significant portion of the Roblox application’s total size.


These days, Roblox is actually trying to appeal to a broader audience.