New Terrain and Parts Built-In Materials - Release Build

There’s also the important fact that we still don’t have the purple normal maps for the current ones, and having tried to use the function that @sp1980 referenced much earlier in the thread, I haven’t managed to achieve any kind of outcome.

People really shouldn’t be required to go through a highly complicated and highly ambiguous process that might not even work in the end, just to retain the visual appearance of their game.

This problem may be eliminated if Roblox releases the purple normal maps (and the original uncompressed metalness/roughness maps using legacy names such as reflection and specular) and automatically puts all games created before X date into using official uploads of them to preserve their look post-update.


I don’t think they’re going to make us do that thankfully, this is probably just them starting to add the materials since we haven’t actually heard anything regarding the update, and Roblox is probably also aware of this problem.

My guess is that the custom materials are just a separate feature right now. It would break scripts if this was their solution.


This will only be a pain if Roblox doesn’t provide us with everything we need to get the old materials back. Assuming we at least have the image files or even better a model containing all the old materials already set up, it won’t be difficult at all. From what’s been found it would be as easy as overriding the materials in MaterialService with the current (old) materials so you don’t have to edit every part across your game.


I’m 99% sure we’re fine. The screenshot shows “Material Variant” so it’ll just be adding the new materials on top.

Each material will have an individual toggle solely for that material.

For now, run and get as many PBR materials as possible.

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Not too bad. Kinda unfortunate if you’re using admin commands to insert stuff and somebody’s game isn’t configured right, though.

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Also, today should be the day where we see the fix.

With today’s changelog having material goodies inside, when can we expect the new materials to drop? Alternatively, can we get a new build of this Studio? :sweat_smile:

I’ve been using this special build of Studio for a few months now but it has slowly broken down overtime. As of today, v1.4 has a blank properties panel and no toolbox. V1.5 just crashes on open. One of my projects relies on this build!


Yeah same here, I desperately need those built-in materials so that I can finish what I’m working on! :sob:


Hoping Roblox updates the details on this soon. I wanna see exactly how they plan to go about this and get to mess with it before it ships.

Roblox bed using the new fabric material: (No hate to the creator of the bed, it looks good, Roblox Staff failed us with this texture however.)


Because of the material not matching its name, it looks like the person who purchased the bed couldn’t afford the blanket that came with it and had to sleep with a bathroom rug instead.

Do not get me wrong, I really like the new fabric texture, but it has a misleading name. I suggest creating a material called ‘Carpet’ or ‘Rug’ and transfer the new fabric texture over to that. As for fabric, here are some really nice examples of what it should be:



We could finally have a built-in PBR texture for creating curtains, clothing, blankets, pillows and so much more.


This error comes up when I try opening the Roblox Studio Beta v1.5 and below. What am I supposed to do now?



It hasn’t been fixed yet, and It’s been occuring since August. I don’t think they’ll fix it until mid september


Seems that your using an older build. In the newer one it’s no longer blurry. Also, the old fabric material did have the same style I guess you could say as the newer one. Expect this one is ment to look more realistic.

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I don’t think you understood my reply. I wasn’t focusing on the older fabric material or how it’s blurry in the screenshot.


You said how fabric looks more like a rug then provided examples if what it should be. I tried saying The new fabric is supposed to be knitted fabric, which which why they’re changing the name from fabric to knitted fabric. Which I belive is the same with the old one because, I guess you could say the design, look simular to eachother.

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Not before Roblox releases the uncompressed texture maps for the current materials, I would hope. Adding a custom MaterialService but not providing us with the files we would need to supplement the current materials, and also not backdating some kind of configuration through to all games created before a specific date (by default, would be removable), would still be a very painful kick in the teeth for people wanting to use the current materials still.

This is what happens if you use the orange maps, and should perfectly demonstrate the need for the standard format, uncompressed texture maps:


I can understand the annoyance at the studio build breaking, however I do find it considerably odd how quickly it broke down - until the removal of the standard asset API almost a year ago, the pre-release FiBv16 studio build (released 2018) still worked almost in its entirety. Very strange.

At the end of the day I do want to see both parties (for old and for new, respectively) satisfied by this update in some form, but I do believe certain steps should be taken by default, by Roblox, for older places (e.g. pre-loading MaterialService with configurations of old materials set as MaterialVariants), as well as releasing the original texture maps for people to choose to use as and if they wish. Anything less would still feel like a large kick in the teeth, personally.

EDIT: Another matter I hadn’t considered is that the custom material service is not usable on Terrain, which may cause fairly significant issues…


Just copy the Platform Content folder across.

Basically like removing textures and putting new ones back in.

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Some of them look good and some of them don’t. Add an option to disable or enable them for your game as they might break some maps or some developers might not like the way their game looks anymore.


I don’t think this is a solution. It won’t cover the new materials.


Didn’t you already make this post? Don’t get the point of repeating it.
Also not here to argue about old materials. I’m just asking for a new build or an ETA on the material drop as I have projects that rely on them.