New Terrain and Parts Materials Preview Build! Oh YES!

I mean atleast it ain’t as bad as the old one, the old one looks like… well a specific bodily solid that comes out after you eat.

Can agree on the marble one though, they gotta fix that.

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Most of the issues are from materials not being colourable or too dark. But they’ve said themselves they’re working on that. Though from your style it wont work.

But that’s what corroded metal looks like in real life. It’s not supposed to look pretty.


Hey… I don’t get the gist of your image. mostly cause its way to far away to make it out.

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But still, look at that and compare it to the old one though lol, the old one still looks like what I said lol

They asked if it was acceptable, this isn’t confirmed.

That’s the problem; You can’t. These materials cannot be correctly colored or their brightness changed, and the ambiguity of previous materials no longer works. The new textures, especially sand, also go in a totally different direction than they were previously. Sand used to be straight, now it is diagonal. This messes with builds that relied on the sand being straight.

The point is this can ruin more than just sand on a few builds, it’s ruining a LOT more than that, which is why people want it to be entirely optional and co-exist alongside the existing materials.


Well It sure is acceptable lol.

Its a beta preview, don’t expect it to have pretty features just yet lol.

There releasing new materials for more realistic games but not for the cartoony games on the platform.
The main purpose of the image is the fact that he’s stating “Our games aren’t built for the materials” Plastic isn’t plastic anymore. I had to update half my games from plastic to smooth plastic due to plastic messing with the shading on all my tree models.


These aren’t pretty features. These are things the old materials had by default… There is no reason why this beta should have launched in a state like this. How are we supposed to provide positive feedback if all of my white brick buildings appear red now?

It is only acceptable if they co-exist or are fully and permanently optional.

This update should be about giving developers more to work with, not giving them a truckload of work to do.


Oh okay, but still make the image c l o s e r cause I cant see the points in your reply from that far away.

That’s not what I was calling acceptable at all, read the quote above it

My bad, you’re right.

I still think they worded it too ambiguously, it really implies you can’t touch it afterwards and just have to leave it be to avoid the update.


all there is in this thing is a readme…


A lot of people have built their games around the way the materials look, this personally negatively affects me :frowning:


WinRAR made no difference, all there is inside is a readme still, actually all i see on github is a readme…


Go all the way to the right middle of your screen on the link they provide you and you should see something called releases click it then press on the download link of whatever your os is and if its 64 bit or 32bit. Then extract the file. Go back to the folder then press the roblox studio beta application in it and boom. You’re all set. Also you dont need winRAR.


this update also causes pc pain to my pc

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Yeah, it takes forever to open studio for large games.


To test this cool feature, I did a remake of Happy Home. The materials don’t line up with most of the parts which is a big complaint from me.


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