New TextChatService bubble chat is hidden by avatar

When the new TextChatService is enabled, chat bubbles are hidden by the avatar.

This is opposed to the legacy chat bubbles which always display over the avatar.

In both cases, the chat bubble is clipping the avatar, which may or may not be an issue. See related bug report below:

Expected behavior

The chat bubble should not be cut off by the avatar.


This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thank you for the report!


Thanks, and while you’re at it, would you be able to include the other bug report linked?

Please, try to have this resolved by the time that the new text chat service is implemented in games!

Hi, are there any updates to this?

Hello, are you still experiencing this issue?

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Additionally, a reminder that there is also a bug pertaining to the height of the bubble:

Thank you for your report. For the experiences that are your own, do you have any custom bubble chat configurations setup?


For the one shown, only coloring. The first screenshot in the post is from the same game without any modifications.

Hello. Would you feel comfortable uploading a place file for one of your experiences that produces this bug? In a private message.

No private message needed, I’m assuming this bug applies to all games with the new TextChatService, as that’s what it seems to be like so far. For instance, here’s another game on my profile, an empty baseplate with it enabled:

Let me know if I should temporarily open the game.

And here’s the file of it:
baseplate with textchat.rbxl (42.4 KB)


Hello. I noticed that the game’s avatar type set in the uploaded place file is the R6 rig. Is that the case for all of your experiences where this issue has been reproduced?

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Both R6 and R15 avatars don’t render the chat bubble always on top, but it isn’t as noticeable of an issue with the R15 avatar because it appears to place the chat bubble higher (or the R15 avatar’s animation makes the character sit lower).

Gotcha. While we address this issue, a temporary workaround that should help is to set the VerticalStudsOffset in the BubbleChatConfiguration of TextChatService to a higher value in any of your experiences that set the AvatarType to R6 rigs.


Alright, got it. Thanks for looking into this!