New Thumbnail For Roblox Developers Party!

I have just finished making a thumbnail for Roblox Developers Party! Give me some feedback on what you think of it! :smiley:

Featuring: @Vexhins @lolgags @damyee @Restluz & @Drawees

Thank you for viewing this topic! Have a great day!


Add more scenery to it. Like, Trees, benches,etc. Also, the lightning is a little bit off in the sense it can be more vibrant. Other than that seems good! Keep it up :+1:


Hello there!

I personally love the thumbnail, looks really clean, but it also looks very empty, maybe add some more objects in the distance, also you could maybe add some textures. :+1:

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This does look cool, but of course it cool be better.

As for starters, for me the roblox logo on the background could be more three-dimensional. Parhaps a sunset/sunrise on the right side, with the shadows moving to the correct positions. With that being said, I agree with @AnvitYT and @zRainqy as there could be objects in the backgorund, like trees, a pathway, ect.

Overall it has potential for more details for a better thumbnail :slightly_smiling_face:

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I noticed that it looks a bit bland so maybe add trees and grass. Also, I recommend changing the Roblox logo to blue since you are going for a dev party.

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Isn’t it supposed to look good? I mean your does but lol texture, details?