I have just finished making a thumbnail for Roblox Developers Party! Give me some feedback on what you think of it!
Featuring: @Vexhins @lolgags @damyee @Restluz & @Drawees
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I have just finished making a thumbnail for Roblox Developers Party! Give me some feedback on what you think of it!
Featuring: @Vexhins @lolgags @damyee @Restluz & @Drawees
Thank you for viewing this topic! Have a great day!
Add more scenery to it. Like, Trees, benches,etc. Also, the lightning is a little bit off in the sense it can be more vibrant. Other than that seems good! Keep it up
Hello there!
I personally love the thumbnail, looks really clean, but it also looks very empty, maybe add some more objects in the distance, also you could maybe add some textures.
This does look cool, but of course it cool be better.
As for starters, for me the roblox logo on the background could be more three-dimensional. Parhaps a sunset/sunrise on the right side, with the shadows moving to the correct positions. With that being said, I agree with @AnvitYT and @zRainqy as there could be objects in the backgorund, like trees, a pathway, ect.
Overall it has potential for more details for a better thumbnail
I noticed that it looks a bit bland so maybe add trees and grass. Also, I recommend changing the Roblox logo to blue since you are going for a dev party.
Isnβt it supposed to look good? I mean your does but lol texture, details?