I recently made these models of tools! I really like how they turned out and tell me which one you like the best!
I recently made these models of tools! I really like how they turned out and tell me which one you like the best!
For my opinion, its the pickaxe
I really like these tools the colors you used for them work quite well but in my opinion the axe is the best I just like the shape! Keep up the good work man!
The knife doesn’t look right to me, unless it’s just me. Gj though
All of them looks good, in my opinion the shovel is the best.
actually when you look at it the knife looks abit weird i think its the proportion of blade to handle, the blade looks small or just weird on that handle but they are still good better than i could do lol
I used a reference to a real knife and everyone says it’s weird for some reason. I think it looks really good at least.
The shovel and axe are my favorite.
You did an amazing job keeping the style the same for all tools. Great work!
I like the knife the most. It has the most detail and it looks comfortable to hold! (With the finger indents)