New town sign for game

I was working on a new town sign for our game, but I don’t know if it looks good for a post-apocalyptic game,
What do you guys think about this sign, what should I add, change or remove!



this is how it currently looks with all the feeback:


I think it fits in with the style/ theme you were attempting. There’s just two things I would change. Firstly I would make the text on the sign larger. It’s small and hard to read. Lastly the one thing I don’t like is the signs support, it looks like a ladder Is supporting it. Instead I would have it so that one pillar is supporting the entire thing sort of like this-



Well, your town sign looks very good, though the color looks very less attrative due to rust, I might recommend for you to add some more lively colors to make your sign have a more attractive appearance.
Though I really appreciate your work because the sign looks very similar to the famous town signs

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I added rust to match the theme of the post-apocalyptic game i’m making
but here’s how the pre-apocalyptic centerloop sign looked like and how it is now:

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I added that bar as the support bar, now it looks much much better, thank you!

Well, if your making it look similar to be built in an apocaliptic game, you did a good touch though maybe add small spots of the original color of the sign, because if all of it is rust, it dosen’t look too good. In my opinion.

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It looks good but i suggest making the top of the sign lean over a little and some wires sticking out, also maybe have a few more letters be lit up.

I like your idea, but as others have said, it is a bit small and hard to read from a distance. I would try to find a different color than purple because it is hard to decipher what the “apocalypse” sign is saying. I would also try spacing “Centerloop” out a bit more because it could help with legibility.

Looks pretty nice, but I have some suggestions on what to do to your build :white_check_mark:
I think you should change the coloring of the letters because the letters shown are miscolored and does not fit the design you are going for. I would suggest to have all the lettlers neon if that’s your style and make some of the letters of the text slanted or rotated due to erosion giving a more apocalyptic feel. Also put a dirt texture to really make the town look like a ghost town or abandoned. Overall you did very nice on this build. :slightly_smiling_face:

so the design should be like this?

I’d prefer you to remove the rust and it may look great!

this is the apocalypse, but I made a pre-apocalypse sign of centerloop too!

I loved the removal of the rust, but didn’t loved the texts’ colors. They’re not matching perfectly to the sign’s color.

What color should the text be?

Very nice and simple design.

Not crazy about the text color though, I’d try plain White or Black if you’re going for a post-apocalyptic game. Maybe even Yellow & Black, kind of like a bio-hazard color If you’d like.

The sign does fit the theme however the shape of it is quite particular but it’s not terrible and i do like the use of the ladder.
EDIT : i was looking at the first photo and did not notice the others, the new ones look really nice actually.

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