New Type Solver [Beta]

Hello, me again with a more crtiical bug this time.

This snippet makes studio loop-crash (if its saved to the place) while the beta is active:

type Foo = {
	[string]: {
		Min: number,
		Max: number
local Foos: Foo = {
	["Foo"] = {
		Min = -1,
		Max = 1
	["Foo"] = {
		Min = -1,
		Max = 1

When using the next operator, it doesn’t recognize the types properly. Gives “K” and “V” where the old type resolver would give “string” and “number”:

local t: {[string]: number} = {
    Hello = 1,
    World = 2
for Name, Value in next, t do
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Thank you for reporting this! We’ve got a fix in for this one, so you should expect to see this problem resolved in the Studio release next Wednesday.


found a bug with new type solver in strict mode:

local Table = {}

local function RemoveKey(Key)
	Table[Key] = nil
local function AddKey()
	local Key = ""
	Table[Key] = 1 -- Type Error: Type 'number' could not be converted into 'nil'

some remarks:

  • error goes away if RemoveKey function is defined after AddKey
  • does not happen if doing Table["Key"] = 1, i.e. defining the index directly instead of through a variable.
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Autocomplete gets completely disabled for any of a table’s functions if a table indexes itself inside of a function:

local Table = {
	a = 1

function Table.Foo()
	local Key = ""
	local Element = Table[Key]
function Table.Bar()


-- can no longer autocomplete Foo or Bar
-- can still autocomplete `a` however

minimal repro:

local Table = {}
function Table.Foo()
	local Key = ""
	local Element = Table[Key]
-- can no longer autocomplete Foo

this happens in both strict and non-strict mode.

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Hello! I’m glad to see some good changes and bugs being fixed for the new type solver, but will there ever be an updated documentation with up-to-date definitions and examples of the types library?

I currently have 2 RFCs open and it’s not easy going through both of them at the same time, lol.

Another question, let’s say I have a function that takes in a dictionary as a parameter. And the output of this function is another table(proxy), but this time the places of certain keys and values have changed.

How would I use type functions to analyze the given dictionary’s key and value types and create a new table type accordingly? (Example: {variable_a: string, variable_b: number}{key_a: {variable_a: string}, key_b: {variable_b: number}})


Is there a way to hide some properties from showing up in the hint menu? I have decided to go for dynamic typing for my modules manager that is not actually that dynamic - by having a list of modules and their types. (Thanks so much for the keyof<> and index<> types!) The modules, however, have some properties for internal stuff and should not be able to be accessed from the outside of the module. These are the ones with “S3Si_” prefix:

In order to get rid of them, I tried to make an intersection which would set these to nil. As I have found out, intersections work the way that the first type overrides all same-named properties in the following ones, so I have done this:

type S3Si_default = {
	S3Si_modules: nil,
	S3Si_shared: nil,
	S3Si_config: nil,
	S3Si_init: nil,
	S3Si_load: nil

export type modules = {
	UserInput: S3Si_default & typeof(require("../Modules/UserInput").type)

However, this approach actually makes it even worse - because now there are all available properties with “S3Si_” prefix in the returned module, it makes it even more messy.

I have tried using unknown or never, too, but that didn’t change. However it wouldn’t make sense to hide these types anyways. (I thought never was an equivalent for void in C#, now I know what it trully means.) Since it is common to hide nil values in other languages, I consider this a bug (unless there is a way to do it).

Also, I think I have read it somewhere already but couldn’t find it now, the new type solver still does not recognise singletons (literals) - see the :GetModule() function call. The type of the function is the following, where types is the module containing the “modules” type above: GetModule: <module>(self: S3Si_modules, name: module) -> index<types.modules, module>

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Why do you need these as hidden properties? What are you trying to do?

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The manager does something with these properties but they are useless outside of it.
The S3Si_init and S3Si_load functions are executed by the manager (user should not be able to call these). The rest have some values and functionality assigned by the manager for the library/module itself to use. For example, S3Si_modules holds the manager itself so the libraries/modules can still use :GetModule() without circularly requiring the manager. S3Si_config leads to the library’s/module’s configuration Instance which the user should also not be able to access. In fact, all these properties are locked with a metatable and trying to access them returns a warning. And because they are useless to the user using the library/module, why should he see them?

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Type solver fails to recognize type when returning behavior on a function. I am currently struggling to figure out to return the complete type behavior in my struct factory function. It appears that the language does not know how to handle dynamic dispatching of behavior.

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Also how does Type functions work?

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Out of curiosity, when will there be a new type solver update? I am facing so many issues right now with the type solver, it is giving me a head ache. The strange orange bar, generics not correctly being inferred, literally losing all autocompletion (yes, all of it)… It’s been too long since we got an update.


The New Type Solver is being updated continuously, every single week, by the Luau team. You can find week-to-week descriptions of the updates in Roblox’s release notes. The only interruption to that since September was our holiday break! We tried to contextualize this in the initial announcement, but the New Type Solver is a sophisticated piece of technology with a ton of moving parts, and while we worked hard to get it into shape to launch the beta, it was never going to be feasible for us to replicate the wildly disparate uses of the type system in the wild by ourselves.

This does mean that our beta does not resemble the typical Roblox beta: this is not a totally finished product that we expect to release soon after the announcement. It’s a continuous effort to iterate on a complex piece of technology with the help of our more adventurous users, and so nobody should feel bad if they decide they’re not in that cohort and they would like to stick to the stability of the old type solver. We will keep you all posted on big changes to the beta as we work towards getting it ready for a general release.

If you’re experiencing specific problems and would like to see them get resolved faster, submitting a bug report that notes it is for the New Type Solver with a clear reproduction, a clear English description of the unexpected behavior, and a clear description of the expected behavior on either Luau’s open source issue tracker or the DevForum bug reports forum helps us considerably in working through issues.

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = Players.LocalPlayer -- (Value of type 'Player?' could be nil)



EDIT: I’ve added this to the issue tracker

I’m running into a strange issue with functions and if statements, where the type returned changes from number to number? when comparing the return value using ==.
The incorrect typing only persists within the scope of the if statement, and doesn’t occur when using other comparisons, i.e. ~=, <=, >, etc.

function returns_two(): number
	return 2

function is_two(num: number): boolean
	return num==2

local my_number = returns_two()
is_two(my_number) --no error, my_number: number

if my_number == 2 then
	is_two(my_number) --type error, my_number: number?

if my_number < 3 then
    is_two(my_number) --no error, my_number: number

is_two(my_number) --no error, my_number: number

I first discovered this when using the bit32 library, so I thought it was an issue with those specifically, but it seems to be an issue for any function that returns a number. Replacing the function with a number literal does not produce an error.

local my_number = 2

if my_number == 2 then
    is_two(my_number) --no error

I tried to recreate the issue with strings but it seems to be an issue exclusive to numbers.

function returns_hello(): string
	return "hello"

function is_hello(msg: string): boolean
	return msg == "hello"

local my_word = returns_hello()

if my_word == "hello" then
	is_hello(my_word) --no error occurs
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there is a problem with autofill and the type checking for generic dictionary type keys using keyof function.
im trying to make it autofill all the possible keys for the table that i pass to the function but there seems to be an issue with using keyof on a generic type, i found a weird/hacky workaround that autofills the keys of the table but still throws an annoying type error because the solver is failing to interpret a string “example” as a singleton string type which is what it should be interpreted as in this context.


local function func1<A>(tbl : A, index : keyof<A>)

local myTable = {
	key1 = 5,
	key2 = 6

func1(myTable, "key1") -- no autofill (also throws a type error)

--// workaround

local function func2<A>(tbl : A)
	return function(index : keyof<A>)

func2(myTable)("key1") -- yes autofill (but still throws a type error)


Is win supposed to be *error-type*?

export type Window<ui> = {
	ui: ui,
	visible: boolean,
	Show: (self: Window<ui>) -> Window<ui>, -- if removed, the type works

local win = {} :: Window<Frame>

If I remove the Show: ... line, the type works again. If I get rid of the <ui> generics it also works. Using Show: (self: any) -> any is not really a good idea though.

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Don’t know if it is just me but after enabling the new type solver, autofill does not appear anymore for me at all for anything.

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It’s possible that this is related to an existing issue with the new solver where large types can gum up the works and prevent us from servicing autocomplete requests. If you return to the old solver, do you still have autofill results? Would you be able to provide the script or place file in which this happens, so we can reproduce and fix this issue?

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Hey, im a bit confused with new typecast solver, is it possible to do something like that?

local Humanoid =`Humanoid`) --> Returning typecasted Humanoid
local Part =`Part`) --> Returning typecasted Part

--What i want:
local Types = require(script.Types)

function GetModule(Name: string)
	return require(game:FindFirstChild(Name, true)) :: (Types[Name] | any)

local Promise = GetModule(`Promise`) --> Returning typecasted module Promise
local Utils = GetModule(`Utils`) --> Returning typecasted module Utils
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