New Unified, Smart Mesh Importer Beta

I have a problem.

When I import this car, then when if it finishes it does not appear??
I checked my inventory and the whole game and it did not appear.
But in the preview it showed the whole model???

There was no errors at all. I don’t know what is causing this…

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Roblox have a problem with a paper thin object and a single vertex, check if you don’t have a model that is a paper-thin or if a single vertex lost, usually this happen because you have a model group in Blender with one of the things I said, paper thing or single vertex.

Ok. Another problem with this importer.

When I export it to blender then import it to roblox this will happen.

Then when I import it will turn out like this

I also found that if you scale it to 0.01 it will work. But it did not for me.
I also tried making it 0.00001 it also did not work.
Can someone help me with this problem? Thanks.


Make sure you accept all transformations. Only export “selected items.” This looks like an export issue. Re import the file back into an empty blender file, see what happens.

Why does the importer create a ‘Model’ in my inventory when I upload a mesh which can never be deleted or archived? Is there a way to disable this?

Has there been any update to the Smart Mesh Importer Beta? I have been holding on to some skinned mesh imports, trying to avoid the avatar importer.

Skinned meshes should be working at least as well as with the old avatar importer. If you have issues importing any please let us know!

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How do i use this feature? or is it even out yet

This icon, in Plug-Ins, will start the importer.


Is this mesh importer still working? I left Roblox for a couple of weeks to focus on life while a project was being organized. I opened it today and I can’t see the icon. Please give me hope that I don’t have to use the old method again.


If I remember correctly, the icon has changed.

New icon here.

Hi, I have a problem with mesh import, I am trying to import an animal model with an animation from a bledner, previously the animation appeared in the my animations tab, now it does not appear.

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I found, just created a game in a group and they appeared in a separate tab, problem solved :slight_smile:

Hi All,

The location of the button corresponding to the mesh importer beta has changed in Studio. It has moved from the Plugins ribbon tab to the Home ribbon tab and is now accessible from Home → File → Import 3D. The icon is different but the plugin functionality remains the same.

This change takes effect when using Studio versions 552.0 and above. You can check your Studio version by navigating to File → About RobloxStudio.

Thank you for being a beta tester and for all the great feedback you have shared with us regarding the mesh importer!


I apologize, it took this long for me to get my game launched, and return to building skinned meshes! Here’s the latest “victim.”

Frame 8:

And so far in Roblox, from the mesh importer, same frame! (note this is actually working in many ways, but clearly wrong in too many others!)

Loading the animation through Animation Editor is closer, but still wrong.

Here is the list of issues discovered so far in this process, none of which result in a “fix.”

  1. The armiture’s first bone is “RootPart”, but this is turned into a part. The next bone becomes the first bone. Not going to lie, I know about this bug, and named the first bone appropriately. “RootPart” is a workaround.


  2. One of the skinned meshes receives a Motor6D that is receives both Part 0 and Part 1 as that mesh. The Animation Editor immediately rejects the model as having a circular reference.

  3. Animations loaded via Mesh Importer are automatically saved. There is no option to turn this off. You cannot delete unused animations. I am sitting at around 100 bad animations in my inventory because of a single bad load.

  4. LEGACY issue! Mesh parts are loaded with empty animation data. See below.

  5. Animation loaded via mesh importer is upside down! RootPart is a bone and receives animation data, even though it is converted into a part. Body.002 is a mesh, and should have no animation data.

Both meshes have been flipped 180 on the z axis. Removing both tracks fixes the flip. (This is the difference between loading from the importer and loading from animation editor via FBX)

  1. Animation errors #1! IK bones are not recognized (or translated) by either mesh importer or animation editor. This might be because the IK bones are not skinned, and unskinned bones are abandoned by the importers. I have to include a dummy rider with the tiger, or the rider bones disappear, and I have never seen a foot control translate into roblox.

Workaround: In blender, I can bake an action and get the IK movement recorded.

  1. Animation errors #2! Mesh Importer misses some animations/bones. Maybe there is a limit? It misses far more than the Animation Editor.

  1. This error, when uploading from FBX via Animation Editor:

I’m less worried about this, because it seems to be a side effect of issue 2. Yes, I do have to manually fix the model and rig to get them to work in Roblox.

What does bother me, is that the mesh I fix for #2 has weird alignment issues. It’s almost right, so this is the version I will fix/save!

  1. Animation preview in mesh importer only shows one working skinned mesh instead of both. In my case, the first mesh alphabetically is used.

Summary: Animation Editor is still superior (recognizes more bones) for animation loading. Part animation data (model flipping) can be fixed. IK data must be baked.


any news on importing multiple skinned mesh animations through one fbx file? I have had 0 luck with it so far. (edit i saw something saying it must be in a group tc so I’m going to test that) (edit2 it didn’t work)

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Which tab did you find it in? I cant seem to locate it.

Click on the light bulb icon in the Toolbox and scroll down in the list.


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